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Susan Boyle = George Soros

This Web ad, now running on sites like National Review Online, caught my eye: Click and you discover that the meddling European is ... billionaire
Jul 31, 2020

Susan Boyle = George Soros

Susan Boyle = George Soros

This Web ad, now running on sites like National Review Online, caught my eye: Click and you discover that the meddling European is ... billionaire
This Web ad, now running on sites like National Review Online, caught my eye: Click and you discover that the meddling European is ... billionaire
Jul 31, 2020

Poll: Obama likely to beat Gingrich in Colorado

Poll: Obama likely to beat Gingrich in Colorado

President Obama is not a popular politician in Colorado but, according to a recent Public Policy Polling survey , Obama would defeat in a landslide Republican Newt Gingrich, whose star has risen of late but who boasts laughable negative numbers with voters here and is despised by the state’s enormous percentage of independent voters. Gingrich, however, is the latest in a revolving list of candidates who have floated to the top of the party’s primary contest as an alternative to effective frontrunner Mitt Romney. PPP recently reported Gingrich leading Romney among Colorado Republicans 37-18 , partly due to the fact that Gingrich is drawing the lion’s share of Herman Cain supporters left in the lurch when their man dropped out of the race in the wake of horrifically managed spiraling sex scandals.
President Obama is not a popular politician in Colorado but, according to a recent Public Policy Polling survey , Obama would defeat in a landslide Republican Newt Gingrich, whose star has risen of late but who boasts laughable negative numbers with voters here and is despised by the state’s enormous percentage of independent voters. Gingrich, however, is the latest in a revolving list of candidates who have floated to the top of the party’s primary contest as an alternative to effective frontrunner Mitt Romney. PPP recently reported Gingrich leading Romney among Colorado Republicans 37-18 , partly due to the fact that Gingrich is drawing the lion’s share of Herman Cain supporters left in the lurch when their man dropped out of the race in the wake of horrifically managed spiraling sex scandals.
Jul 31, 2020

John Brennan: Extremely Powerful. Torture Cover-Ups: Extremely Deluded

John Brennan: Extremely Powerful. Torture Cover-Ups: Extremely Deluded

Adam Serwer at TAPPED, reading reports of how White House aide John Brennan is pushing to stop declassifications of torturous CIA interrogations,
Adam Serwer at TAPPED, reading reports of how White House aide John Brennan is pushing to stop declassifications of torturous CIA interrogations,
Jul 31, 2020