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Page 454 of 854
Obama Breaks YouTube Records in Homestretch « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Breaks YouTube Records in Homestretch « The Washington Independent
Obama Breaks YouTube Records in Homestretch « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Environmentalists Renew Call to Reduce GHGs to 350 PPM
On the first day of United Nations climate change talks in Tianjin, China, environmentalists released a report calling for world leaders to commit to lowering
Jul 31, 2020
Environmentalists Renew Call to Reduce GHGs to 350 PPM
Environmentalists Renew Call to Reduce GHGs to 350 PPM
On the first day of United Nations climate change talks in Tianjin, China, environmentalists released a report calling for world leaders to commit to lowering
On the first day of United Nations climate change talks in Tianjin, China, environmentalists released a report calling for world leaders to commit to lowering
Jul 31, 2020
DeMint: If Obama Is ‘Successful’ on Health Care, ‘It Will Give Him Some Boldness to Go Back to Other Programs’
In a fairly muted online Q&A with Florida U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio -- questions were along the lines of what can we do to stop this health care
Jul 31, 2020
DeMint: If Obama Is ‘Successful’ on Health Care, ‘It Will Give Him Some Boldness to Go Back to Other Programs’
DeMint: If Obama Is ‘Successful’ on Health Care, ‘It Will Give Him Some Boldness to Go Back to Other Programs’
In a fairly muted online Q&A with Florida U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio -- questions were along the lines of what can we do to stop this health care
In a fairly muted online Q&A with Florida U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio -- questions were along the lines of what can we do to stop this health care
Jul 31, 2020
It’s Final: United States Helps Kill Global Drug Safety Push
In Vienna, United Nations members today signed off on the United Nations political declaration recommending global drug policy for the decade to come. Despite a
Jul 31, 2020
It’s Final: United States Helps Kill Global Drug Safety Push
It’s Final: United States Helps Kill Global Drug Safety Push
In Vienna, United Nations members today signed off on the United Nations political declaration recommending global drug policy for the decade to come. Despite a
In Vienna, United Nations members today signed off on the United Nations political declaration recommending global drug policy for the decade to come. Despite a
Jul 31, 2020
Loaded With Concessions, Climate Bill Wins Backing of Oil Companies
Kate Sheppard has some big news on the Senate climate bill, expected to drop Monday, following a conference call with Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), one of three
Jul 31, 2020
Loaded With Concessions, Climate Bill Wins Backing of Oil Companies
Loaded With Concessions, Climate Bill Wins Backing of Oil Companies
Kate Sheppard has some big news on the Senate climate bill, expected to drop Monday, following a conference call with Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), one of three
Kate Sheppard has some big news on the Senate climate bill, expected to drop Monday, following a conference call with Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), one of three
Jul 31, 2020
“That’s All I Recall From That Meeting”
Jul 31, 2020
“That’s All I Recall From That Meeting”
“That’s All I Recall From That Meeting”
Jul 31, 2020
Will a Republican House mean beefed-up immigration enforcement and more deportations?
With the GOP set to take over the House in January, I’ve been trying to pinpoint some immigration proposals -- if any exist -- that House Republicans, Senate
Jul 31, 2020
Will a Republican House mean beefed-up immigration enforcement and more deportations?
Will a Republican House mean beefed-up immigration enforcement and more deportations?
With the GOP set to take over the House in January, I’ve been trying to pinpoint some immigration proposals -- if any exist -- that House Republicans, Senate
With the GOP set to take over the House in January, I’ve been trying to pinpoint some immigration proposals -- if any exist -- that House Republicans, Senate
Jul 31, 2020
State Dept.: No Comment on N. Korea
Before Bill Clinton secured the release of Euna Lee and Laura Ling, I made the longshot prediction that the noontime State Department press briefing would be
Jul 31, 2020
State Dept.: No Comment on N. Korea
State Dept.: No Comment on N. Korea
Before Bill Clinton secured the release of Euna Lee and Laura Ling, I made the longshot prediction that the noontime State Department press briefing would be
Before Bill Clinton secured the release of Euna Lee and Laura Ling, I made the longshot prediction that the noontime State Department press briefing would be
Jul 31, 2020
Just How Much Is $700 Billion? « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Just How Much Is $700 Billion? « The Washington Independent
Just How Much Is $700 Billion? « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
After midterms, uphill climb for environmental legislation grows steeper
With the exit of 43 House Democrats who voted for last year’s cap-and-trade bill, environmental progress will be hard to come by.
Jul 31, 2020
After midterms, uphill climb for environmental legislation grows steeper
After midterms, uphill climb for environmental legislation grows steeper
With the exit of 43 House Democrats who voted for last year’s cap-and-trade bill, environmental progress will be hard to come by.
With the exit of 43 House Democrats who voted for last year’s cap-and-trade bill, environmental progress will be hard to come by.
Jul 31, 2020
‘How the Left Swiftboated America’
Before there was Glenn Beck, there was John Gibson, a dyspeptic Fox News host who anchored the network’s 5 p.m. block and steadily upped his outrage against
Jul 31, 2020
‘How the Left Swiftboated America’
‘How the Left Swiftboated America’
Before there was Glenn Beck, there was John Gibson, a dyspeptic Fox News host who anchored the network’s 5 p.m. block and steadily upped his outrage against
Before there was Glenn Beck, there was John Gibson, a dyspeptic Fox News host who anchored the network’s 5 p.m. block and steadily upped his outrage against
Jul 31, 2020
Dept. of Interior points to Navajo Generating Station for pollution, respiratory illnesses
Residents of the Navajo and Hopi reservations in the Four Corners region are dismayed that a study commissioned by the U.S.
Jul 31, 2020
Dept. of Interior points to Navajo Generating Station for pollution, respiratory illnesses
Dept. of Interior points to Navajo Generating Station for pollution, respiratory illnesses
Residents of the Navajo and Hopi reservations in the Four Corners region are dismayed that a study commissioned by the U.S.
Residents of the Navajo and Hopi reservations in the Four Corners region are dismayed that a study commissioned by the U.S.
Jul 31, 2020
Berman Conferring With Ros-Lehtinen After Charging ‘Inaccuracies’ in Goldstone Letter
After receiving a letter from Richard Goldstone, the South African judge who investigated Israeli and Hamas war crimes in Gaza, to dispute an impending
Jul 31, 2020
Berman Conferring With Ros-Lehtinen After Charging ‘Inaccuracies’ in Goldstone Letter
Berman Conferring With Ros-Lehtinen After Charging ‘Inaccuracies’ in Goldstone Letter
After receiving a letter from Richard Goldstone, the South African judge who investigated Israeli and Hamas war crimes in Gaza, to dispute an impending
After receiving a letter from Richard Goldstone, the South African judge who investigated Israeli and Hamas war crimes in Gaza, to dispute an impending
Jul 31, 2020
Court Denies Coleman Lawsuit to Halt Certification of Minn. Election
The Minnesota Supreme Court issued an order late Monday morning (pdf) denying an emergency motion from the Norm Coleman campaign to stop the State Canvassing
Jul 31, 2020
Court Denies Coleman Lawsuit to Halt Certification of Minn. Election
Court Denies Coleman Lawsuit to Halt Certification of Minn. Election
The Minnesota Supreme Court issued an order late Monday morning (pdf) denying an emergency motion from the Norm Coleman campaign to stop the State Canvassing
The Minnesota Supreme Court issued an order late Monday morning (pdf) denying an emergency motion from the Norm Coleman campaign to stop the State Canvassing
Jul 31, 2020
Embattled Small Business Bill Inches Forward
The Senate has two weeks until it adjourns for the August recess, and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has promised that legislation to help small businesses
Jul 31, 2020
Embattled Small Business Bill Inches Forward
Embattled Small Business Bill Inches Forward
The Senate has two weeks until it adjourns for the August recess, and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has promised that legislation to help small businesses
The Senate has two weeks until it adjourns for the August recess, and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has promised that legislation to help small businesses
Jul 31, 2020
Pesticide Exposure-Parkinson’s Links Found
<p>A new <a title="study" id="i5ax"
Jul 31, 2020
Pesticide Exposure-Parkinson’s Links Found
Pesticide Exposure-Parkinson’s Links Found
<p>A new <a title="study" id="i5ax"
<p>A new <a title="study" id="i5ax"
Jul 31, 2020
Live From McCain Rally in Dayton « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Live From McCain Rally in Dayton « The Washington Independent
Live From McCain Rally in Dayton « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Wage gap for Florida women lower than national average
The wage gap median between full-time female and male workers in Florida is lower than in the U.S. as a whole, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.
Jul 31, 2020
Wage gap for Florida women lower than national average
Wage gap for Florida women lower than national average
The wage gap median between full-time female and male workers in Florida is lower than in the U.S. as a whole, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.
The wage gap median between full-time female and male workers in Florida is lower than in the U.S. as a whole, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.
Jul 31, 2020
Odierno, Responding to TWI, Pledges Support For The SOFA
This morning I got an email from a spokesman for Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, objecting to my characterization of him in my
Jul 31, 2020
Odierno, Responding to TWI, Pledges Support For The SOFA
Odierno, Responding to TWI, Pledges Support For The SOFA
This morning I got an email from a spokesman for Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, objecting to my characterization of him in my
This morning I got an email from a spokesman for Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, objecting to my characterization of him in my
Jul 31, 2020
N.H. rep. cancels pursuit of amendment to ban marriage equality
The New Hampshire state representative sponsoring a bill that would repeal the state’s same-sex marriage law has decided not to pursue a constitutional
Jul 31, 2020
N.H. rep. cancels pursuit of amendment to ban marriage equality
N.H. rep. cancels pursuit of amendment to ban marriage equality
The New Hampshire state representative sponsoring a bill that would repeal the state’s same-sex marriage law has decided not to pursue a constitutional
The New Hampshire state representative sponsoring a bill that would repeal the state’s same-sex marriage law has decided not to pursue a constitutional
Jul 31, 2020
New ‘Super PAC’ Comes Out Swinging in Favor of Murkowski
A new committee called Alaskans Standing Together is providing some major help to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) in her longshot write-in bid for re-election.
Jul 31, 2020
New ‘Super PAC’ Comes Out Swinging in Favor of Murkowski
New ‘Super PAC’ Comes Out Swinging in Favor of Murkowski
A new committee called Alaskans Standing Together is providing some major help to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) in her longshot write-in bid for re-election.
A new committee called Alaskans Standing Together is providing some major help to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) in her longshot write-in bid for re-election.
Jul 31, 2020
VIDEO: Ron Paul $1m ‘veteran’ ad
The Texas Congressman has a new 60-second ad spot that highlights not only Ron Paul ‘s own background in the military, but features veterans discussing the ways that Paul has honored them. The ad is embedded below: The Paul campaign has said the full ad time buy is in excess of $1 million.
Jul 31, 2020
VIDEO: Ron Paul $1m ‘veteran’ ad
VIDEO: Ron Paul $1m ‘veteran’ ad
The Texas Congressman has a new 60-second ad spot that highlights not only Ron Paul ‘s own background in the military, but features veterans discussing the ways that Paul has honored them. The ad is embedded below: The Paul campaign has said the full ad time buy is in excess of $1 million.
The Texas Congressman has a new 60-second ad spot that highlights not only Ron Paul ‘s own background in the military, but features veterans discussing the ways that Paul has honored them. The ad is embedded below: The Paul campaign has said the full ad time buy is in excess of $1 million.
Jul 31, 2020
Civil rights groups appeal Alabama immigration decision, effects of the law already underway
Civil and immigrant rights groups have expressed outrage about a federal judge’s decision to allow many of the provisions of Alabama’s new immigration
Jul 31, 2020
Civil rights groups appeal Alabama immigration decision, effects of the law already underway
Civil rights groups appeal Alabama immigration decision, effects of the law already underway
Civil and immigrant rights groups have expressed outrage about a federal judge’s decision to allow many of the provisions of Alabama’s new immigration
Civil and immigrant rights groups have expressed outrage about a federal judge’s decision to allow many of the provisions of Alabama’s new immigration
Jul 31, 2020
Odierno Recommits to the SOFA
Apropos of Friday’s queries about Gen. Raymond Odierno’s commitment to the U.S.-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement that guarantees the withdrawal of all U.S.
Jul 31, 2020
Odierno Recommits to the SOFA
Odierno Recommits to the SOFA
Apropos of Friday’s queries about Gen. Raymond Odierno’s commitment to the U.S.-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement that guarantees the withdrawal of all U.S.
Apropos of Friday’s queries about Gen. Raymond Odierno’s commitment to the U.S.-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement that guarantees the withdrawal of all U.S.
Jul 31, 2020