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Page 763 of 854 Founder Attacks ‘Kenyan Birth Certificate’ Forgery
The forums have been roiled by conservative activists debating whether or not the Kenyan certified copy of registration of birth released by
Jul 31, 2020 Founder Attacks ‘Kenyan Birth Certificate’ Forgery Founder Attacks ‘Kenyan Birth Certificate’ Forgery
The forums have been roiled by conservative activists debating whether or not the Kenyan certified copy of registration of birth released by
The forums have been roiled by conservative activists debating whether or not the Kenyan certified copy of registration of birth released by
Jul 31, 2020
Ron Paul’s Economic Theories Winning GOP Converts
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is among the House members taking notes from Paul’s hand-picked speakers.
Jul 31, 2020
Ron Paul’s Economic Theories Winning GOP Converts
Ron Paul’s Economic Theories Winning GOP Converts
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is among the House members taking notes from Paul’s hand-picked speakers.
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is among the House members taking notes from Paul’s hand-picked speakers.
Jul 31, 2020
Drug Czar: ‘War on Drugs’ Largely Unsuccessful
Gil Kerlikowske, who heads the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, took questions from the foreign press this morning surrounding the
Jul 31, 2020
Drug Czar: ‘War on Drugs’ Largely Unsuccessful
Drug Czar: ‘War on Drugs’ Largely Unsuccessful
Gil Kerlikowske, who heads the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, took questions from the foreign press this morning surrounding the
Gil Kerlikowske, who heads the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, took questions from the foreign press this morning surrounding the
Jul 31, 2020
How Much Does Obama Like Clean Coal?
With President Obama playing a cameo role in a recurring TV ad sponsored by American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCE), you may be wondering just
Jul 31, 2020
How Much Does Obama Like Clean Coal?
How Much Does Obama Like Clean Coal?
With President Obama playing a cameo role in a recurring TV ad sponsored by American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCE), you may be wondering just
With President Obama playing a cameo role in a recurring TV ad sponsored by American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCE), you may be wondering just
Jul 31, 2020
9/11 Memorials To Offer Return to Serious News
For those of who have found the tone of today’s constant news coverage of the absurd Lipstick-gate non-controversy as obnoxious as I have, we can take solace
Jul 31, 2020
9/11 Memorials To Offer Return to Serious News
9/11 Memorials To Offer Return to Serious News
For those of who have found the tone of today’s constant news coverage of the absurd Lipstick-gate non-controversy as obnoxious as I have, we can take solace
For those of who have found the tone of today’s constant news coverage of the absurd Lipstick-gate non-controversy as obnoxious as I have, we can take solace
Jul 31, 2020
Advocates Push Back on WaPo Bashing Whistleblower Protections
I think I made the case pretty strongly in my piece today on why the failure of the stimulus bill to protect private contractor whistleblowers, and the omission
Jul 31, 2020
Advocates Push Back on WaPo Bashing Whistleblower Protections
Advocates Push Back on WaPo Bashing Whistleblower Protections
I think I made the case pretty strongly in my piece today on why the failure of the stimulus bill to protect private contractor whistleblowers, and the omission
I think I made the case pretty strongly in my piece today on why the failure of the stimulus bill to protect private contractor whistleblowers, and the omission
Jul 31, 2020
Specter Swings to the Right to Save Senate Seat
Supporters of homeschool constitutional amendment courting Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) as he fends off conservative challengers.
Jul 31, 2020
Specter Swings to the Right to Save Senate Seat
Specter Swings to the Right to Save Senate Seat
Supporters of homeschool constitutional amendment courting Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) as he fends off conservative challengers.
Supporters of homeschool constitutional amendment courting Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) as he fends off conservative challengers.
Jul 31, 2020
Going Negative
Jul 31, 2020
Going Negative
Going Negative
Jul 31, 2020
Are You a Source or a Target?
With fears of a new wave of domestic terrorism rising (even though those fears are statistically way out of proportion to the millions of American Muslims), The
Jul 31, 2020
Are You a Source or a Target?
Are You a Source or a Target?
With fears of a new wave of domestic terrorism rising (even though those fears are statistically way out of proportion to the millions of American Muslims), The
With fears of a new wave of domestic terrorism rising (even though those fears are statistically way out of proportion to the millions of American Muslims), The
Jul 31, 2020
Five Messages From the Obama-Karzai Press Conference
It’s time for a post-White House press conference listicle. 1. Unity, Stand Together as One. The priority message that I will take back with me to the
Jul 31, 2020
Five Messages From the Obama-Karzai Press Conference
Five Messages From the Obama-Karzai Press Conference
It’s time for a post-White House press conference listicle. 1. Unity, Stand Together as One. The priority message that I will take back with me to the
It’s time for a post-White House press conference listicle. 1. Unity, Stand Together as One. The priority message that I will take back with me to the
Jul 31, 2020
Scenes from the DC Tea Party: Round One
The Washington, D.C. tea party is underway! Several hundred intrepid protesters turned out in the rain to voice their opposition to taxes, bailouts, the Obama
Jul 31, 2020
Scenes from the DC Tea Party: Round One
Scenes from the DC Tea Party: Round One
The Washington, D.C. tea party is underway! Several hundred intrepid protesters turned out in the rain to voice their opposition to taxes, bailouts, the Obama
The Washington, D.C. tea party is underway! Several hundred intrepid protesters turned out in the rain to voice their opposition to taxes, bailouts, the Obama
Jul 31, 2020
Panetta Confirmation Set For Thursday
Looks like all the paperwork’s been filed. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has set CIA Director-designee Leon Panetta’s confirmation hearing for Thursday at
Jul 31, 2020
Panetta Confirmation Set For Thursday
Panetta Confirmation Set For Thursday
Looks like all the paperwork’s been filed. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has set CIA Director-designee Leon Panetta’s confirmation hearing for Thursday at
Looks like all the paperwork’s been filed. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has set CIA Director-designee Leon Panetta’s confirmation hearing for Thursday at
Jul 31, 2020
Sen. Durbin tries to block protections for coal ash-dumping car ferry
Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) is asking federal officials to protect Lake Michigan from coal ash pollution from the S.S. Badger car ferry which operates between Luddington, Michigan and Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Jul 31, 2020
Sen. Durbin tries to block protections for coal ash-dumping car ferry
Sen. Durbin tries to block protections for coal ash-dumping car ferry
Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) is asking federal officials to protect Lake Michigan from coal ash pollution from the S.S. Badger car ferry which operates between Luddington, Michigan and Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) is asking federal officials to protect Lake Michigan from coal ash pollution from the S.S. Badger car ferry which operates between Luddington, Michigan and Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Jul 31, 2020
Pro-Gun Gay Groups Take Aim at Hate Crimes Bill
A plan to insert the right to carry a concealed weapon across state lines has the support of some gay rights advocates.
Jul 31, 2020
Pro-Gun Gay Groups Take Aim at Hate Crimes Bill
Pro-Gun Gay Groups Take Aim at Hate Crimes Bill
A plan to insert the right to carry a concealed weapon across state lines has the support of some gay rights advocates.
A plan to insert the right to carry a concealed weapon across state lines has the support of some gay rights advocates.
Jul 31, 2020
Chris Hill Is the New U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
The Senate, which overcame a meager attempt yesterday by Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kans.) to stop Chris Hill’s nomination to be ambassador to Iraq, just voted to
Jul 31, 2020
Chris Hill Is the New U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
Chris Hill Is the New U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
The Senate, which overcame a meager attempt yesterday by Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kans.) to stop Chris Hill’s nomination to be ambassador to Iraq, just voted to
The Senate, which overcame a meager attempt yesterday by Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kans.) to stop Chris Hill’s nomination to be ambassador to Iraq, just voted to
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Inherits Bush Legacy in Israeli Elections
COMMENTARY Among the many sorry gifts George W. Bush passed on to President Barack Obama, the next prime minister of Israel is among the most dubious.
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Inherits Bush Legacy in Israeli Elections
Obama Inherits Bush Legacy in Israeli Elections
COMMENTARY Among the many sorry gifts George W. Bush passed on to President Barack Obama, the next prime minister of Israel is among the most dubious.
COMMENTARY Among the many sorry gifts George W. Bush passed on to President Barack Obama, the next prime minister of Israel is among the most dubious.
Jul 31, 2020
Sen. Lincoln’s Primary Race Prompts Dems to Postpone Derivatives
Brian Beutler at Talking Points Memo reports that Democrats plan to hold off on altering Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s (D-Ark.) derivatives language until after her
Jul 31, 2020
Sen. Lincoln’s Primary Race Prompts Dems to Postpone Derivatives
Sen. Lincoln’s Primary Race Prompts Dems to Postpone Derivatives
Brian Beutler at Talking Points Memo reports that Democrats plan to hold off on altering Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s (D-Ark.) derivatives language until after her
Brian Beutler at Talking Points Memo reports that Democrats plan to hold off on altering Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s (D-Ark.) derivatives language until after her
Jul 31, 2020
Af-Pak Hearing: ‘Tell Me How This Ends’
Jul 31, 2020
Af-Pak Hearing: ‘Tell Me How This Ends’
Af-Pak Hearing: ‘Tell Me How This Ends’
Jul 31, 2020
Biden, in Israel, Condemns East Jerusalem Housing Expansion
Just released from the Vice President: I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem. The
Jul 31, 2020
Biden, in Israel, Condemns East Jerusalem Housing Expansion
Biden, in Israel, Condemns East Jerusalem Housing Expansion
Just released from the Vice President: I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem. The
Just released from the Vice President: I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem. The
Jul 31, 2020
BREAKING: Iowa Supreme Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban
In a unanimous decision issued just moments ago, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled that Iowa’s definition of marriage, which excluded same-sex couples, violates
Jul 31, 2020
BREAKING: Iowa Supreme Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban
BREAKING: Iowa Supreme Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban
In a unanimous decision issued just moments ago, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled that Iowa’s definition of marriage, which excluded same-sex couples, violates
In a unanimous decision issued just moments ago, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled that Iowa’s definition of marriage, which excluded same-sex couples, violates
Jul 31, 2020
Quartet Calls for Palestinian State in 24 Months From… Sometime
The Quartet of major international players attempting to broker an Israeli-Palestinian negotiated settlement -- the European Union, the U.S., Russia, and the
Jul 31, 2020
Quartet Calls for Palestinian State in 24 Months From… Sometime
Quartet Calls for Palestinian State in 24 Months From… Sometime
The Quartet of major international players attempting to broker an Israeli-Palestinian negotiated settlement -- the European Union, the U.S., Russia, and the
The Quartet of major international players attempting to broker an Israeli-Palestinian negotiated settlement -- the European Union, the U.S., Russia, and the
Jul 31, 2020
Protesters: Send Illegal Immigrants Home ‘With a Bullet in the Head’
It sure is getting to be a hot summer. And the town hall protesters are turning up the heat: they’ve gone from objecting to a national health care plan to
Jul 31, 2020
Protesters: Send Illegal Immigrants Home ‘With a Bullet in the Head’
Protesters: Send Illegal Immigrants Home ‘With a Bullet in the Head’
It sure is getting to be a hot summer. And the town hall protesters are turning up the heat: they’ve gone from objecting to a national health care plan to
It sure is getting to be a hot summer. And the town hall protesters are turning up the heat: they’ve gone from objecting to a national health care plan to
Jul 31, 2020
More from Rep. Dave Camp
That previously mentioned luncheon with Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.) went awry when the news broke that former Health and Human Services Secretary-nominee Tom
Jul 31, 2020
More from Rep. Dave Camp
More from Rep. Dave Camp
That previously mentioned luncheon with Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.) went awry when the news broke that former Health and Human Services Secretary-nominee Tom
That previously mentioned luncheon with Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.) went awry when the news broke that former Health and Human Services Secretary-nominee Tom
Jul 31, 2020
Vice Adm. Bruce MacDonald: The Most Important Unseen Influence on Omar Khadr’s Military Commission
GUANTANAMO BAY -- This morning, attorneys for Omar Khadr, the Canadian citizen charged with murder, conspiracy and material support for terrorism, will attempt
Jul 31, 2020
Vice Adm. Bruce MacDonald: The Most Important Unseen Influence on Omar Khadr’s Military Commission
Vice Adm. Bruce MacDonald: The Most Important Unseen Influence on Omar Khadr’s Military Commission
GUANTANAMO BAY -- This morning, attorneys for Omar Khadr, the Canadian citizen charged with murder, conspiracy and material support for terrorism, will attempt
GUANTANAMO BAY -- This morning, attorneys for Omar Khadr, the Canadian citizen charged with murder, conspiracy and material support for terrorism, will attempt
Jul 31, 2020