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Page 777 of 854
‘The White House Has Not Done a Very Good Job of Dispelling the Concerns’
Greg Sargent follows up with Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), who left the impression in a Politico story on birthers that he was sympathetic to their
Jul 31, 2020
‘The White House Has Not Done a Very Good Job of Dispelling the Concerns’
‘The White House Has Not Done a Very Good Job of Dispelling the Concerns’
Greg Sargent follows up with Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), who left the impression in a Politico story on birthers that he was sympathetic to their
Greg Sargent follows up with Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), who left the impression in a Politico story on birthers that he was sympathetic to their
Jul 31, 2020
A Guide to Today’s Economic Agenda
Today is a busy day for economic wonks and other economist-types in Washington. Below is a brief guide to all the action: At 9 a.m., the Federal Open
Jul 31, 2020
A Guide to Today’s Economic Agenda
A Guide to Today’s Economic Agenda
Today is a busy day for economic wonks and other economist-types in Washington. Below is a brief guide to all the action: At 9 a.m., the Federal Open
Today is a busy day for economic wonks and other economist-types in Washington. Below is a brief guide to all the action: At 9 a.m., the Federal Open
Jul 31, 2020
Muslim Soldiers See ‘Teachable Moment’ in Ft. Hood
The backlash towards our community is nowhere even close, Jamal Baadani said. I attribute that to the intellect and the resiliency of the American people. And that’s why I’m proud to be an American.
Jul 31, 2020
Muslim Soldiers See ‘Teachable Moment’ in Ft. Hood
Muslim Soldiers See ‘Teachable Moment’ in Ft. Hood
The backlash towards our community is nowhere even close, Jamal Baadani said. I attribute that to the intellect and the resiliency of the American people. And that’s why I’m proud to be an American.
The backlash towards our community is nowhere even close, Jamal Baadani said. I attribute that to the intellect and the resiliency of the American people. And that’s why I’m proud to be an American.
Jul 31, 2020
Sarah Palin’s Super Script
Below, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s energy policy speech as delivered. The remarks she added -- that weren’t on the prompter or in the speech as it was sent out to
Jul 31, 2020
Sarah Palin’s Super Script
Sarah Palin’s Super Script
Below, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s energy policy speech as delivered. The remarks she added -- that weren’t on the prompter or in the speech as it was sent out to
Below, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s energy policy speech as delivered. The remarks she added -- that weren’t on the prompter or in the speech as it was sent out to
Jul 31, 2020
Gates Corrects Holbrooke; Will Actually Be Able to Measure Success
Sure, the interview was Friday, but the Defense Department just released the transcript of Defense Secretary Bob Gates’ interview with Al Jazeera, and it’s hard
Jul 31, 2020
Gates Corrects Holbrooke; Will Actually Be Able to Measure Success
Gates Corrects Holbrooke; Will Actually Be Able to Measure Success
Sure, the interview was Friday, but the Defense Department just released the transcript of Defense Secretary Bob Gates’ interview with Al Jazeera, and it’s hard
Sure, the interview was Friday, but the Defense Department just released the transcript of Defense Secretary Bob Gates’ interview with Al Jazeera, and it’s hard
Jul 31, 2020
GOP Candidate in Hawaii: Social Security Privatization ‘Deserves Examination’
Phil Klein talks to Charles Djou, the GOP candidate in the House district that includes Honolulu and looks unusually winnable thanks to an open primary that
Jul 31, 2020
GOP Candidate in Hawaii: Social Security Privatization ‘Deserves Examination’
GOP Candidate in Hawaii: Social Security Privatization ‘Deserves Examination’
Phil Klein talks to Charles Djou, the GOP candidate in the House district that includes Honolulu and looks unusually winnable thanks to an open primary that
Phil Klein talks to Charles Djou, the GOP candidate in the House district that includes Honolulu and looks unusually winnable thanks to an open primary that
Jul 31, 2020
British PM Gordon Brown’s Statement on the Afghan Election
Just released by the British embassy. Coordinated with the Obama statement? President Karzai has just made an important statement to the people of
Jul 31, 2020
British PM Gordon Brown’s Statement on the Afghan Election
British PM Gordon Brown’s Statement on the Afghan Election
Just released by the British embassy. Coordinated with the Obama statement? President Karzai has just made an important statement to the people of
Just released by the British embassy. Coordinated with the Obama statement? President Karzai has just made an important statement to the people of
Jul 31, 2020
The Old ‘My Wife Made Me Buy It’ Excuse for the Mortgage Mess « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
The Old ‘My Wife Made Me Buy It’ Excuse for the Mortgage Mess « The Washington Independent
The Old ‘My Wife Made Me Buy It’ Excuse for the Mortgage Mess « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
House Passes Oil Spill Response Legislation
The House passed an oil spill response package today in a 209-193 vote, despite strong objections from Republicans. The package passed after hours of floor
Jul 31, 2020
House Passes Oil Spill Response Legislation
House Passes Oil Spill Response Legislation
The House passed an oil spill response package today in a 209-193 vote, despite strong objections from Republicans. The package passed after hours of floor
The House passed an oil spill response package today in a 209-193 vote, despite strong objections from Republicans. The package passed after hours of floor
Jul 31, 2020
Marco Rubio at CPAC: Loving Everything About America Except Charlie Crist
The annual Conservative Political Action Conference began with a two-man rev-up for Marco Rubio, the former GOP speaker of the House in Florida who has become a
Jul 31, 2020
Marco Rubio at CPAC: Loving Everything About America Except Charlie Crist
Marco Rubio at CPAC: Loving Everything About America Except Charlie Crist
The annual Conservative Political Action Conference began with a two-man rev-up for Marco Rubio, the former GOP speaker of the House in Florida who has become a
The annual Conservative Political Action Conference began with a two-man rev-up for Marco Rubio, the former GOP speaker of the House in Florida who has become a
Jul 31, 2020
Graham, Goss and Torture Timelines
Bob Graham (D-Fla.), the former chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, expands on his account of what the CIA told him about enhanced interrogation
Jul 31, 2020
Graham, Goss and Torture Timelines
Graham, Goss and Torture Timelines
Bob Graham (D-Fla.), the former chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, expands on his account of what the CIA told him about enhanced interrogation
Bob Graham (D-Fla.), the former chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, expands on his account of what the CIA told him about enhanced interrogation
Jul 31, 2020
Clearly a Law Enforcement Approach to Terrorism Can’t Work
NYPD and the FBI busted an apparent homegrown terror cell in the stages of plotting to blow up two synagogues in the Bronx. As someone who used to occasionally
Jul 31, 2020
Clearly a Law Enforcement Approach to Terrorism Can’t Work
Clearly a Law Enforcement Approach to Terrorism Can’t Work
NYPD and the FBI busted an apparent homegrown terror cell in the stages of plotting to blow up two synagogues in the Bronx. As someone who used to occasionally
NYPD and the FBI busted an apparent homegrown terror cell in the stages of plotting to blow up two synagogues in the Bronx. As someone who used to occasionally
Jul 31, 2020
The New Normal: High Unemployment and Slower Growth
The U.S. economy may never return to the days of rapid expansion, Bloomberg reports, and an unemployment rate greater than eight percent and a long period of
Jul 31, 2020
The New Normal: High Unemployment and Slower Growth
The New Normal: High Unemployment and Slower Growth
The U.S. economy may never return to the days of rapid expansion, Bloomberg reports, and an unemployment rate greater than eight percent and a long period of
The U.S. economy may never return to the days of rapid expansion, Bloomberg reports, and an unemployment rate greater than eight percent and a long period of
Jul 31, 2020
Drone Strikes and How Insurgents Are Created
One more thing about the New America Foundation’s drone-strike report, which found that the drones have only killed Pakistani civilians one-third of the time.
Jul 31, 2020
Drone Strikes and How Insurgents Are Created
Drone Strikes and How Insurgents Are Created
One more thing about the New America Foundation’s drone-strike report, which found that the drones have only killed Pakistani civilians one-third of the time.
One more thing about the New America Foundation’s drone-strike report, which found that the drones have only killed Pakistani civilians one-third of the time.
Jul 31, 2020
A War President Accepts the Peace Prize
President Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo today -- and in doing so, he acknowledged the wars America is fighting and sought to justify his role in
Jul 31, 2020
A War President Accepts the Peace Prize
A War President Accepts the Peace Prize
President Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo today -- and in doing so, he acknowledged the wars America is fighting and sought to justify his role in
President Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo today -- and in doing so, he acknowledged the wars America is fighting and sought to justify his role in
Jul 31, 2020
Underemployment Presents Challenges
While the steady rise in the nation’s unemployment rate has become shorthand for the recession’s impact, many economists say the grim figures — 8.9 percent in April — don’t tell the whole story of Americans’ financial distress.
Jul 31, 2020
Underemployment Presents Challenges
Underemployment Presents Challenges
While the steady rise in the nation’s unemployment rate has become shorthand for the recession’s impact, many economists say the grim figures — 8.9 percent in April — don’t tell the whole story of Americans’ financial distress.
While the steady rise in the nation’s unemployment rate has become shorthand for the recession’s impact, many economists say the grim figures — 8.9 percent in April — don’t tell the whole story of Americans’ financial distress.
Jul 31, 2020
Standish, Mich., City Council: Send Us Your Gitmo Detainees
The Michigan Messenger’s Todd Heywood reports: The Standish City Council unanimously approved a resolution targeting President Barack Obama and federal
Jul 31, 2020
Standish, Mich., City Council: Send Us Your Gitmo Detainees
Standish, Mich., City Council: Send Us Your Gitmo Detainees
The Michigan Messenger’s Todd Heywood reports: The Standish City Council unanimously approved a resolution targeting President Barack Obama and federal
The Michigan Messenger’s Todd Heywood reports: The Standish City Council unanimously approved a resolution targeting President Barack Obama and federal
Jul 31, 2020
Senate Advances Bill Extending Unemployment Benefits
The Senate on Tuesday moved a step closer to passing a 14-week, nationwide extension of unemployment benefits, clearing a procedural hurdle that will bring the
Jul 31, 2020
Senate Advances Bill Extending Unemployment Benefits
Senate Advances Bill Extending Unemployment Benefits
The Senate on Tuesday moved a step closer to passing a 14-week, nationwide extension of unemployment benefits, clearing a procedural hurdle that will bring the
The Senate on Tuesday moved a step closer to passing a 14-week, nationwide extension of unemployment benefits, clearing a procedural hurdle that will bring the
Jul 31, 2020
Glenn Beck on Massa: ‘I Almost Threw Him Out of the Studio’
On his radio show today, Glenn Beck lit into former Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) for his disastrous, rambling appearance on the Tuesday episode of Beck’s Fox News
Jul 31, 2020
Glenn Beck on Massa: ‘I Almost Threw Him Out of the Studio’
Glenn Beck on Massa: ‘I Almost Threw Him Out of the Studio’
On his radio show today, Glenn Beck lit into former Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) for his disastrous, rambling appearance on the Tuesday episode of Beck’s Fox News
On his radio show today, Glenn Beck lit into former Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) for his disastrous, rambling appearance on the Tuesday episode of Beck’s Fox News
Jul 31, 2020
House Bill Allows Coerced Testimony and Hearsay in Military Commissions
The National Defense Authorization Act, passed yesterday by the House of Representatives, includes a largely overlooked provision that modifies the Military
Jul 31, 2020
House Bill Allows Coerced Testimony and Hearsay in Military Commissions
House Bill Allows Coerced Testimony and Hearsay in Military Commissions
The National Defense Authorization Act, passed yesterday by the House of Representatives, includes a largely overlooked provision that modifies the Military
The National Defense Authorization Act, passed yesterday by the House of Representatives, includes a largely overlooked provision that modifies the Military
Jul 31, 2020
The Taliban Are 70 Miles From Islamabad « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
The Taliban Are 70 Miles From Islamabad « The Washington Independent
The Taliban Are 70 Miles From Islamabad « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Lunchtime Links
Palin starts putting together a campaign -- and if the primaries were this year, she’d have a shot. Obama taps a key architect of Bush’s military
Jul 31, 2020
Lunchtime Links
Lunchtime Links
Palin starts putting together a campaign -- and if the primaries were this year, she’d have a shot. Obama taps a key architect of Bush’s military
Palin starts putting together a campaign -- and if the primaries were this year, she’d have a shot. Obama taps a key architect of Bush’s military
Jul 31, 2020
Poll: Everyone Hates Congress
Some shocking numbers from a new CBS News/New York Times poll, revealing that just 8 percent of Americans think the sitting members of Congress deserve
Jul 31, 2020
Poll: Everyone Hates Congress
Poll: Everyone Hates Congress
Some shocking numbers from a new CBS News/New York Times poll, revealing that just 8 percent of Americans think the sitting members of Congress deserve
Some shocking numbers from a new CBS News/New York Times poll, revealing that just 8 percent of Americans think the sitting members of Congress deserve
Jul 31, 2020
U.N. Security Council Now Formally Reviewing Iran Sanctions Package
Amb. Susan Rice, the U.S. envoy to the United Nations, just released this transcript of her submission for U.N. Security Council consideration of a package of
Jul 31, 2020
U.N. Security Council Now Formally Reviewing Iran Sanctions Package
U.N. Security Council Now Formally Reviewing Iran Sanctions Package
Amb. Susan Rice, the U.S. envoy to the United Nations, just released this transcript of her submission for U.N. Security Council consideration of a package of
Amb. Susan Rice, the U.S. envoy to the United Nations, just released this transcript of her submission for U.N. Security Council consideration of a package of
Jul 31, 2020