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Page 120 of 930
Myrick, Shadegg, Broun, Franks: Congress’ Anti-Muslim Bigot Caucus
Via Justin Elliott, Greg Sargent and Tim Fernholz, the aforementioned Republican members of Congress are incensed that the Council on American-Islamic
Jul 31, 2020
Myrick, Shadegg, Broun, Franks: Congress’ Anti-Muslim Bigot Caucus
Myrick, Shadegg, Broun, Franks: Congress’ Anti-Muslim Bigot Caucus
Via Justin Elliott, Greg Sargent and Tim Fernholz, the aforementioned Republican members of Congress are incensed that the Council on American-Islamic
Via Justin Elliott, Greg Sargent and Tim Fernholz, the aforementioned Republican members of Congress are incensed that the Council on American-Islamic
Jul 31, 2020
Hoyer: Doc-Fix Bill Hinges on Senate Adopting Pay-Go Rules
Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) isn’t the only Democrat playing hard-ball on health reform this year. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters
Jul 31, 2020
Hoyer: Doc-Fix Bill Hinges on Senate Adopting Pay-Go Rules
Hoyer: Doc-Fix Bill Hinges on Senate Adopting Pay-Go Rules
Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) isn’t the only Democrat playing hard-ball on health reform this year. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters
Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) isn’t the only Democrat playing hard-ball on health reform this year. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters
Jul 31, 2020
McCain’s Judgment Questioned « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
McCain’s Judgment Questioned « The Washington Independent
McCain’s Judgment Questioned « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Correcting Andrea Mitchell’s Afghanistan Troop Figures
Andrea Mitchell went on MSNBC’s ’Morning Joe’ yesterday and made a claim that freaked out former Rep. Tom Andrews (R-Me.). Her sources, she said, had discovered
Jul 31, 2020
Correcting Andrea Mitchell’s Afghanistan Troop Figures
Correcting Andrea Mitchell’s Afghanistan Troop Figures
Andrea Mitchell went on MSNBC’s ’Morning Joe’ yesterday and made a claim that freaked out former Rep. Tom Andrews (R-Me.). Her sources, she said, had discovered
Andrea Mitchell went on MSNBC’s ’Morning Joe’ yesterday and made a claim that freaked out former Rep. Tom Andrews (R-Me.). Her sources, she said, had discovered
Jul 31, 2020
RightOnline: Joe the Plumber, John Fund « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
RightOnline: Joe the Plumber, John Fund « The Washington Independent
RightOnline: Joe the Plumber, John Fund « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Kyl: Obama Is Dr. No
There were some great moments in today’s McCain campaign conference call with reporters, featuring Arizona’s other senator, Jon Kyl and former CIA Director
Jul 31, 2020
Kyl: Obama Is Dr. No
Kyl: Obama Is Dr. No
There were some great moments in today’s McCain campaign conference call with reporters, featuring Arizona’s other senator, Jon Kyl and former CIA Director
There were some great moments in today’s McCain campaign conference call with reporters, featuring Arizona’s other senator, Jon Kyl and former CIA Director
Jul 31, 2020
‘We Have Taken It as Far as Americans Can’
Usually when a journalist says this is a thoughtful piece of writing what s/he means is this is a well-expressed recapitulation of things I already believe,
Jul 31, 2020
‘We Have Taken It as Far as Americans Can’
‘We Have Taken It as Far as Americans Can’
Usually when a journalist says this is a thoughtful piece of writing what s/he means is this is a well-expressed recapitulation of things I already believe,
Usually when a journalist says this is a thoughtful piece of writing what s/he means is this is a well-expressed recapitulation of things I already believe,
Jul 31, 2020
Reflections on a Sunday at Palin’s Church
WASILLA, Alaska -- In my quest to understand Gov. Sarah Palin, I attended services at her church, the Wasilla Bible Church, Sunday morning. I ended up being
Jul 31, 2020
Reflections on a Sunday at Palin’s Church
Reflections on a Sunday at Palin’s Church
WASILLA, Alaska -- In my quest to understand Gov. Sarah Palin, I attended services at her church, the Wasilla Bible Church, Sunday morning. I ended up being
WASILLA, Alaska -- In my quest to understand Gov. Sarah Palin, I attended services at her church, the Wasilla Bible Church, Sunday morning. I ended up being
Jul 31, 2020
Amid Recession, Federal Workers Targeted
At Politico, Maggie Haberman and Ben Smith have a good piece on the perfect storm ginning up politicians’ opposition to public-sector workers. Firefighters
Jul 31, 2020
Amid Recession, Federal Workers Targeted
Amid Recession, Federal Workers Targeted
At Politico, Maggie Haberman and Ben Smith have a good piece on the perfect storm ginning up politicians’ opposition to public-sector workers. Firefighters
At Politico, Maggie Haberman and Ben Smith have a good piece on the perfect storm ginning up politicians’ opposition to public-sector workers. Firefighters
Jul 31, 2020
Homeowners vs. Banks = David vs. Goliath (Sort of)
As we wrote this morning -- and Mary tackles eloquently here -- the banks appear to be winning the battle in the Senate over cramdown legislation that would
Jul 31, 2020
Homeowners vs. Banks = David vs. Goliath (Sort of)
Homeowners vs. Banks = David vs. Goliath (Sort of)
As we wrote this morning -- and Mary tackles eloquently here -- the banks appear to be winning the battle in the Senate over cramdown legislation that would
As we wrote this morning -- and Mary tackles eloquently here -- the banks appear to be winning the battle in the Senate over cramdown legislation that would
Jul 31, 2020
The Limits of Sympathy for Homeowners in Trouble
Chadi Moussa is a man in trouble, The New York Times reports today. He is unable to afford the mortgage on his $2.24 California mansion - and yet ineligible for
Jul 31, 2020
The Limits of Sympathy for Homeowners in Trouble
The Limits of Sympathy for Homeowners in Trouble
Chadi Moussa is a man in trouble, The New York Times reports today. He is unable to afford the mortgage on his $2.24 California mansion - and yet ineligible for
Chadi Moussa is a man in trouble, The New York Times reports today. He is unable to afford the mortgage on his $2.24 California mansion - and yet ineligible for
Jul 31, 2020
Gibbs: AIG Bailout ‘Did Not Rise to [Geithner’s] Level’
Here’s White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, responding today to questions about Tim Geithner’s role in the New York Fed’s 2008 decision to censor AIG payments to
Jul 31, 2020
Gibbs: AIG Bailout ‘Did Not Rise to [Geithner’s] Level’
Gibbs: AIG Bailout ‘Did Not Rise to [Geithner’s] Level’
Here’s White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, responding today to questions about Tim Geithner’s role in the New York Fed’s 2008 decision to censor AIG payments to
Here’s White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, responding today to questions about Tim Geithner’s role in the New York Fed’s 2008 decision to censor AIG payments to
Jul 31, 2020
Pelosi: Still No Decision on Health Reform Amendments « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Pelosi: Still No Decision on Health Reform Amendments « The Washington Independent
Pelosi: Still No Decision on Health Reform Amendments « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Feinstein, Bond & the Blair Imbroglio
Following on Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair’s star-crossed testimony in the Senate yesterday about Northwest Airlines Flight 253 -- which the
Jul 31, 2020
Feinstein, Bond & the Blair Imbroglio
Feinstein, Bond & the Blair Imbroglio
Following on Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair’s star-crossed testimony in the Senate yesterday about Northwest Airlines Flight 253 -- which the
Following on Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair’s star-crossed testimony in the Senate yesterday about Northwest Airlines Flight 253 -- which the
Jul 31, 2020
White House Silence Paved Way for ‘Cramdown’ Crash
A central component of the Obama administration’s economic strategy was abandoned by the White House in the days leading up Senate vote, giving political cover to opposing Democrats.
Jul 31, 2020
White House Silence Paved Way for ‘Cramdown’ Crash
White House Silence Paved Way for ‘Cramdown’ Crash
A central component of the Obama administration’s economic strategy was abandoned by the White House in the days leading up Senate vote, giving political cover to opposing Democrats.
A central component of the Obama administration’s economic strategy was abandoned by the White House in the days leading up Senate vote, giving political cover to opposing Democrats.
Jul 31, 2020
ACLU Criticizes New TSA Rules
Too close to racial profiling, says Michael German, a former FBI counterterrorism agent who’s now the civil liberties organization’s national-security legal
Jul 31, 2020
ACLU Criticizes New TSA Rules
ACLU Criticizes New TSA Rules
Too close to racial profiling, says Michael German, a former FBI counterterrorism agent who’s now the civil liberties organization’s national-security legal
Too close to racial profiling, says Michael German, a former FBI counterterrorism agent who’s now the civil liberties organization’s national-security legal
Jul 31, 2020
New at TWI: Jonathan E. Kaplan
Jul 31, 2020
New at TWI: Jonathan E. Kaplan
New at TWI: Jonathan E. Kaplan
Jul 31, 2020
Oh, So That’s the Fifth Category of Detentions
As long as I’m praising Marc I Won The Morning Ambinder, check out this rather significant data point he mines from a Washington Post story on the final
Jul 31, 2020
Oh, So That’s the Fifth Category of Detentions
Oh, So That’s the Fifth Category of Detentions
As long as I’m praising Marc I Won The Morning Ambinder, check out this rather significant data point he mines from a Washington Post story on the final
As long as I’m praising Marc I Won The Morning Ambinder, check out this rather significant data point he mines from a Washington Post story on the final
Jul 31, 2020
Obama’s Afghanistan Refocus
The Afghanistan war is about to focus on al-Qaeda again: While emphasizing the importance of continuing U.S. operations against Pakistan-based Taliban
Jul 31, 2020
Obama’s Afghanistan Refocus
Obama’s Afghanistan Refocus
The Afghanistan war is about to focus on al-Qaeda again: While emphasizing the importance of continuing U.S. operations against Pakistan-based Taliban
The Afghanistan war is about to focus on al-Qaeda again: While emphasizing the importance of continuing U.S. operations against Pakistan-based Taliban
Jul 31, 2020
House Democrats Battle New Emissions Standards…Again
The Obama administration’s plans are running smack into an industry buzz saw that they might not escape.
Jul 31, 2020
House Democrats Battle New Emissions Standards…Again
House Democrats Battle New Emissions Standards…Again
The Obama administration’s plans are running smack into an industry buzz saw that they might not escape.
The Obama administration’s plans are running smack into an industry buzz saw that they might not escape.
Jul 31, 2020
When to Hit the Pakistani-Coup Panic Button
Jul 31, 2020
When to Hit the Pakistani-Coup Panic Button
When to Hit the Pakistani-Coup Panic Button
Jul 31, 2020
What’s Missing From Miliband’s Afghanistan Speech
U.K. Foreign Secretary David Miliband gave a speech to NATO headquarters in Brussels about the Afghanistan war, and it might be the most thorough and explicit
Jul 31, 2020
What’s Missing From Miliband’s Afghanistan Speech
What’s Missing From Miliband’s Afghanistan Speech
U.K. Foreign Secretary David Miliband gave a speech to NATO headquarters in Brussels about the Afghanistan war, and it might be the most thorough and explicit
U.K. Foreign Secretary David Miliband gave a speech to NATO headquarters in Brussels about the Afghanistan war, and it might be the most thorough and explicit
Jul 31, 2020
KGL Bill Earns Praise From Both Industry and Enviros; Something’s Gotta Give
Yesterday, I noted that industry groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, are saying some not-unflattering things about the climate bill being unveiled
Jul 31, 2020
KGL Bill Earns Praise From Both Industry and Enviros; Something’s Gotta Give
KGL Bill Earns Praise From Both Industry and Enviros; Something’s Gotta Give
Yesterday, I noted that industry groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, are saying some not-unflattering things about the climate bill being unveiled
Yesterday, I noted that industry groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, are saying some not-unflattering things about the climate bill being unveiled
Jul 31, 2020
Neugebauer Letter
<<Back to story (Click to enlarge)
Jul 31, 2020
Neugebauer Letter
Neugebauer Letter
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<<Back to story (Click to enlarge)
Jul 31, 2020