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National Organization for Marriage, Taking Credit for Brown

Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage has perfected the art of the salt-in-the-wound press release. His message to supporters on Scott Brown:
Jul 31, 2020

National Organization for Marriage, Taking Credit for Brown

National Organization for Marriage, Taking Credit for Brown

Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage has perfected the art of the salt-in-the-wound press release. His message to supporters on Scott Brown:
Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage has perfected the art of the salt-in-the-wound press release. His message to supporters on Scott Brown:
Jul 31, 2020

GAO Finds Medicaid Paying to Treat the Dead

GAO Finds Medicaid Paying to Treat the Dead

Just in time to throw another twist into the health reform debate, the Government Accountability Office reported today that Medicaid is paying to fill
Just in time to throw another twist into the health reform debate, the Government Accountability Office reported today that Medicaid is paying to fill
Jul 31, 2020

Obama Intel Chief Reveals Intel Budget Is $75 Billion

Obama Intel Chief Reveals Intel Budget Is $75 Billion

On a conference call with reporters to release an unclassified version of the new National Intelligence Strategy, Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair
On a conference call with reporters to release an unclassified version of the new National Intelligence Strategy, Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair
Jul 31, 2020