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Their Shoes Were Made for Walking

Jul 31, 2020

Their Shoes Were Made for Walking

Their Shoes Were Made for Walking

Jul 31, 2020

‘Sarah Palin’s Alaska’ Coming to Your TV Screen

‘Sarah Palin’s Alaska’ Coming to Your TV Screen

Variety reports (with a nice visual joke) that the former governor of Alaska had sold her reality series (reported, thus far, as about the state more than her
Variety reports (with a nice visual joke) that the former governor of Alaska had sold her reality series (reported, thus far, as about the state more than her
Jul 31, 2020

Iowa unemployment numbers stay flat

Iowa unemployment numbers stay flat

Unemployment in the U.S. hit a new high mark in June, media reports said Friday , hitting 9.2 percent nationally and drawing scorn from several top Republicans who placed the blame on President Barack Obama and his administration.
Unemployment in the U.S. hit a new high mark in June, media reports said Friday , hitting 9.2 percent nationally and drawing scorn from several top Republicans who placed the blame on President Barack Obama and his administration.
Jul 31, 2020