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Maybe Congress Will Investigate the Mortgage Crisis After All

In the wake of the Great Depression, a Congressional panel known as the Pecora Commission investigated Wall Street’s actions and set the stage for financial
Jul 31, 2020

Maybe Congress Will Investigate the Mortgage Crisis After All

Maybe Congress Will Investigate the Mortgage Crisis After All

In the wake of the Great Depression, a Congressional panel known as the Pecora Commission investigated Wall Street’s actions and set the stage for financial
In the wake of the Great Depression, a Congressional panel known as the Pecora Commission investigated Wall Street’s actions and set the stage for financial
Jul 31, 2020

While remaining high, weekly unemployment claims dip

While remaining high, weekly unemployment claims dip

New unemployment claims this week dropped to 409,000 according to the latest Department of Labor report , but that’s still too high to allow any serious progress in reducing the unemployment rate. The four-week average of 439,000 is the highest since November of last year.
New unemployment claims this week dropped to 409,000 according to the latest Department of Labor report , but that’s still too high to allow any serious progress in reducing the unemployment rate. The four-week average of 439,000 is the highest since November of last year.
Jul 31, 2020

More on Those White House Anti-Foreclosure Efforts

More on Those White House Anti-Foreclosure Efforts

Megan pointed this out more than a week ago, but today the editorialists at The New York Times are also highlighting the central flaw of the updated foreclosure
Megan pointed this out more than a week ago, but today the editorialists at The New York Times are also highlighting the central flaw of the updated foreclosure
Jul 31, 2020