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4. An ACORN in Every Bill

ACORN, the advocacy group for low-income people, has long been a favorite bogeyman of the right, and this year conservatives tried to convince America that
Jul 31, 2020

4. An ACORN in Every Bill

4. An ACORN in Every Bill

ACORN, the advocacy group for low-income people, has long been a favorite bogeyman of the right, and this year conservatives tried to convince America that
ACORN, the advocacy group for low-income people, has long been a favorite bogeyman of the right, and this year conservatives tried to convince America that
Jul 31, 2020

Almost 10,000 Michigan residents have asked for tax amnesty

Almost 10,000 Michigan residents have asked for tax amnesty

Nearly 10,000 Michigan residents have asked for a tax amnesty deal with the state of Michigan. reports that “roughly 9,200″ people have submitted applications for the amnesty, which ends Thursday. Under the program, designed to recoup money for the state’s flagging budget, people who pay the entire back tax amount as well as any interest due on the back taxes, will have the penalties of their late filings waived
Nearly 10,000 Michigan residents have asked for a tax amnesty deal with the state of Michigan. reports that “roughly 9,200″ people have submitted applications for the amnesty, which ends Thursday. Under the program, designed to recoup money for the state’s flagging budget, people who pay the entire back tax amount as well as any interest due on the back taxes, will have the penalties of their late filings waived
Jul 31, 2020

Natural gas industry keeping water testing data from researchers

Natural gas industry keeping water testing data from researchers

Despite having complained for years that studies on the effect of hydrofracking on drinking water supplies are deficient because they don’t include pre-drilling water quality data on wells and water systems, the natural gas industry has been keeping that data away from researchers.
Despite having complained for years that studies on the effect of hydrofracking on drinking water supplies are deficient because they don’t include pre-drilling water quality data on wells and water systems, the natural gas industry has been keeping that data away from researchers.
Jul 31, 2020

DREAM Act reintroduction lauded by National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health

DREAM Act reintroduction lauded by National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health

The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH) sent out a press release today applauding President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, Rep.
The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH) sent out a press release today applauding President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, Rep.
Jul 31, 2020

Geological Survey releases system offering models on nutrient pollution action

Geological Survey releases system offering models on nutrient pollution action

The United States Geological Survey has released an interactive online decision support system that allows users access to six newly developed regional models describing how rivers receive and transport nutrients from natural and human sources to sensitive waters. The SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes) system models have been developed for seven large regions of the U.S., and can be used to compare nutrient sources and watersheds in areas such as the South Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. The model was developed by the Geological Survey’s National Water Quality Assessment Program, which “provides information about water-quality conditions and how natural features and human activities affect those conditions.” Federal, regional and state agencies have used the SPARROW model results to inform water-quality management decisions
The United States Geological Survey has released an interactive online decision support system that allows users access to six newly developed regional models describing how rivers receive and transport nutrients from natural and human sources to sensitive waters. The SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes) system models have been developed for seven large regions of the U.S., and can be used to compare nutrient sources and watersheds in areas such as the South Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. The model was developed by the Geological Survey’s National Water Quality Assessment Program, which “provides information about water-quality conditions and how natural features and human activities affect those conditions.” Federal, regional and state agencies have used the SPARROW model results to inform water-quality management decisions
Jul 31, 2020

Minnesota Family Council, NOM: Lobbying rules complaint was harassment

Minnesota Family Council, NOM: Lobbying rules complaint was harassment

The Minnesota Family Council, the National Organization for Marriage and Common Cause Minnesota have all weighed in on a complaint that was dismissed by the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board last week. The Minnesota Family Council and NOM said they were victims of the complaint, which was filed by Common Cause Minnesota, and characterized it as harassment, intimidation and an “attack.” Common Cause said the complaint highlights a loophole in Minnesota’s lobbying laws. Minnesota for Marriage, a partnership between NOM and the Minnesota Family Council, released a statement on Monday that “calls on opponents to abandon tactics of intimidation and harassment.” “Sadly, complaints like these are too often used as bludgeons by political groups to silence, harass, intimidate and drain the resources of their opponents,” said Minnesota Family Council CEO John Helmberger
The Minnesota Family Council, the National Organization for Marriage and Common Cause Minnesota have all weighed in on a complaint that was dismissed by the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board last week. The Minnesota Family Council and NOM said they were victims of the complaint, which was filed by Common Cause Minnesota, and characterized it as harassment, intimidation and an “attack.” Common Cause said the complaint highlights a loophole in Minnesota’s lobbying laws. Minnesota for Marriage, a partnership between NOM and the Minnesota Family Council, released a statement on Monday that “calls on opponents to abandon tactics of intimidation and harassment.” “Sadly, complaints like these are too often used as bludgeons by political groups to silence, harass, intimidate and drain the resources of their opponents,” said Minnesota Family Council CEO John Helmberger
Jul 31, 2020