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Obama Puts Money to Close GTMO in the Afghanistan War Supplemental

So the budget is out. But where’s the roughly $150 million needed for the Obama administration to buy the Thomson Correction Center from Illinois? That’s the
Jul 31, 2020

Obama Puts Money to Close GTMO in the Afghanistan War Supplemental

Obama Puts Money to Close GTMO in the Afghanistan War Supplemental

So the budget is out. But where’s the roughly $150 million needed for the Obama administration to buy the Thomson Correction Center from Illinois? That’s the
So the budget is out. But where’s the roughly $150 million needed for the Obama administration to buy the Thomson Correction Center from Illinois? That’s the
Jul 31, 2020

House Faced With Cutting Food Stamps for Child Nutrition Bill

House Faced With Cutting Food Stamps for Child Nutrition Bill

Soon, the House plans to vote on a sweeping child-nutrition bill. The Senate passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, a deficit-neutral bill providing $4.5
Soon, the House plans to vote on a sweeping child-nutrition bill. The Senate passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, a deficit-neutral bill providing $4.5
Jul 31, 2020