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Page 824 of 930
Oil Spill as Stimulus
The Wall Street Journal reports on a J.P. Morgan Chase analysis showing that the oil spill choking off fishing and tourism dollars to the Gulf might actually
Jul 31, 2020
Oil Spill as Stimulus
Oil Spill as Stimulus
The Wall Street Journal reports on a J.P. Morgan Chase analysis showing that the oil spill choking off fishing and tourism dollars to the Gulf might actually
The Wall Street Journal reports on a J.P. Morgan Chase analysis showing that the oil spill choking off fishing and tourism dollars to the Gulf might actually
Jul 31, 2020
Digby on Torture
Jul 31, 2020
Digby on Torture
Digby on Torture
Jul 31, 2020
Supreme Court Undermines Age Discrimination Plaintiffs
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas today leads the conservative wing of the Supreme Court in an unusual decision that rules that plaintiffs in age
Jul 31, 2020
Supreme Court Undermines Age Discrimination Plaintiffs
Supreme Court Undermines Age Discrimination Plaintiffs
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas today leads the conservative wing of the Supreme Court in an unusual decision that rules that plaintiffs in age
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas today leads the conservative wing of the Supreme Court in an unusual decision that rules that plaintiffs in age
Jul 31, 2020
BREAKING: Sotomayor Might Have Supported President Who Supports Her
Ed Whelan digs up an April 17 speech by Sonia Sotomayor in which she praises the election of President Obama and says our challenge as lawyers and court
Jul 31, 2020
BREAKING: Sotomayor Might Have Supported President Who Supports Her
BREAKING: Sotomayor Might Have Supported President Who Supports Her
Ed Whelan digs up an April 17 speech by Sonia Sotomayor in which she praises the election of President Obama and says our challenge as lawyers and court
Ed Whelan digs up an April 17 speech by Sonia Sotomayor in which she praises the election of President Obama and says our challenge as lawyers and court
Jul 31, 2020
TWI Cited in DHS ‘Rightwing Extremism’ Report
After filing a Freedom of Information Act request, the Virginia-based Americans for Limited Government obtained documents from the Department of Homeland
Jul 31, 2020
TWI Cited in DHS ‘Rightwing Extremism’ Report
TWI Cited in DHS ‘Rightwing Extremism’ Report
After filing a Freedom of Information Act request, the Virginia-based Americans for Limited Government obtained documents from the Department of Homeland
After filing a Freedom of Information Act request, the Virginia-based Americans for Limited Government obtained documents from the Department of Homeland
Jul 31, 2020
White House Asks for Funding to Ramp Up Drilling Oversight
The White House sent a budget amendment to Congress last night that would set aside money for the reorganization of the Interior Department’s offshore drilling
Jul 31, 2020
White House Asks for Funding to Ramp Up Drilling Oversight
White House Asks for Funding to Ramp Up Drilling Oversight
The White House sent a budget amendment to Congress last night that would set aside money for the reorganization of the Interior Department’s offshore drilling
The White House sent a budget amendment to Congress last night that would set aside money for the reorganization of the Interior Department’s offshore drilling
Jul 31, 2020
Where Was the Country’s Biggest Oil Spill? Hint: Not in the Gulf
Here’s an interesting fact: despite the massive size of the Gulf oil spill, it’s not actually the biggest oil spill ever to occur in the United States. That
Jul 31, 2020
Where Was the Country’s Biggest Oil Spill? Hint: Not in the Gulf
Where Was the Country’s Biggest Oil Spill? Hint: Not in the Gulf
Here’s an interesting fact: despite the massive size of the Gulf oil spill, it’s not actually the biggest oil spill ever to occur in the United States. That
Here’s an interesting fact: despite the massive size of the Gulf oil spill, it’s not actually the biggest oil spill ever to occur in the United States. That
Jul 31, 2020
Will Cindy’s Beer Biz Be A Liability for McCain?
Jul 31, 2020
Will Cindy’s Beer Biz Be A Liability for McCain?
Will Cindy’s Beer Biz Be A Liability for McCain?
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Birthers Claim Victory in DC, Sort Of
Carl Swensson, the man who’s trying to get legally dubious Citizen Grand Juries to indict President Obama for ... something (Swensson doesn’t even think
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Birthers Claim Victory in DC, Sort Of
Obama Birthers Claim Victory in DC, Sort Of
Carl Swensson, the man who’s trying to get legally dubious Citizen Grand Juries to indict President Obama for ... something (Swensson doesn’t even think
Carl Swensson, the man who’s trying to get legally dubious Citizen Grand Juries to indict President Obama for ... something (Swensson doesn’t even think
Jul 31, 2020
White House, Baucus Still Want Bipartisan Health Bill
Facing morning headlines indicating that Democrats are leaning toward a partisan approach to health care reform, Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chairman of the
Jul 31, 2020
White House, Baucus Still Want Bipartisan Health Bill
White House, Baucus Still Want Bipartisan Health Bill
Facing morning headlines indicating that Democrats are leaning toward a partisan approach to health care reform, Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chairman of the
Facing morning headlines indicating that Democrats are leaning toward a partisan approach to health care reform, Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chairman of the
Jul 31, 2020
Specter to Congress: Economy Trumps Vacation
With eight days remaining in Congress’ two-week spring recess, Sen. Arlen J. Specter (R-Penn.) is calling on his colleagues to get back to work. In an interview
Jul 31, 2020
Specter to Congress: Economy Trumps Vacation
Specter to Congress: Economy Trumps Vacation
With eight days remaining in Congress’ two-week spring recess, Sen. Arlen J. Specter (R-Penn.) is calling on his colleagues to get back to work. In an interview
With eight days remaining in Congress’ two-week spring recess, Sen. Arlen J. Specter (R-Penn.) is calling on his colleagues to get back to work. In an interview
Jul 31, 2020
Clinton on Nonproliferation
Barely an hour after word came from Vienna that an Iranian negotiating team has accepted a draft version of a deal to ship nuclear fuel out of the country for
Jul 31, 2020
Clinton on Nonproliferation
Clinton on Nonproliferation
Barely an hour after word came from Vienna that an Iranian negotiating team has accepted a draft version of a deal to ship nuclear fuel out of the country for
Barely an hour after word came from Vienna that an Iranian negotiating team has accepted a draft version of a deal to ship nuclear fuel out of the country for
Jul 31, 2020
ICE internal investigation clears officers of abuse, critics claim whitewash
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigation into allegations of racial profiling and abuse by federal agents in the Detroit area has cleared officials of any wrongdoing and prompted bitter disappointment among immigrant rights advocates. In April ICE Director John Morton met with community groups in Detroit and promised to investigate reports that officers triggered panic and disrupted learning by following parents as they dropped off and picked up their kids at Hope of Detroit Academy and Neinas Elementary School in predominately Latino Southwest Detroit
Jul 31, 2020
ICE internal investigation clears officers of abuse, critics claim whitewash
ICE internal investigation clears officers of abuse, critics claim whitewash
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigation into allegations of racial profiling and abuse by federal agents in the Detroit area has cleared officials of any wrongdoing and prompted bitter disappointment among immigrant rights advocates. In April ICE Director John Morton met with community groups in Detroit and promised to investigate reports that officers triggered panic and disrupted learning by following parents as they dropped off and picked up their kids at Hope of Detroit Academy and Neinas Elementary School in predominately Latino Southwest Detroit
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigation into allegations of racial profiling and abuse by federal agents in the Detroit area has cleared officials of any wrongdoing and prompted bitter disappointment among immigrant rights advocates. In April ICE Director John Morton met with community groups in Detroit and promised to investigate reports that officers triggered panic and disrupted learning by following parents as they dropped off and picked up their kids at Hope of Detroit Academy and Neinas Elementary School in predominately Latino Southwest Detroit
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Again Castigates GOP for Blocking Unemployment Extension
Speaking in the Rose Garden, surrounded by three unemployed workers, this morning President Obama again castigated Republicans for blocking the federal
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Again Castigates GOP for Blocking Unemployment Extension
Obama Again Castigates GOP for Blocking Unemployment Extension
Speaking in the Rose Garden, surrounded by three unemployed workers, this morning President Obama again castigated Republicans for blocking the federal
Speaking in the Rose Garden, surrounded by three unemployed workers, this morning President Obama again castigated Republicans for blocking the federal
Jul 31, 2020
Emanuel Isolated on Civilian Terror Trials
The Washington Post runs a breathless piece of Kremlinology arguing that Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, is a force of political reason within
Jul 31, 2020
Emanuel Isolated on Civilian Terror Trials
Emanuel Isolated on Civilian Terror Trials
The Washington Post runs a breathless piece of Kremlinology arguing that Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, is a force of political reason within
The Washington Post runs a breathless piece of Kremlinology arguing that Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, is a force of political reason within
Jul 31, 2020
Borrowing from Abroad to Eliminate ‘Phony Revenue?’
In a welcome break from past policy, the Obama administration last week announced that it will abandon a handful of deceptive budget gimmicks used perennially
Jul 31, 2020
Borrowing from Abroad to Eliminate ‘Phony Revenue?’
Borrowing from Abroad to Eliminate ‘Phony Revenue?’
In a welcome break from past policy, the Obama administration last week announced that it will abandon a handful of deceptive budget gimmicks used perennially
In a welcome break from past policy, the Obama administration last week announced that it will abandon a handful of deceptive budget gimmicks used perennially
Jul 31, 2020
Sessions: Empathy = Prejudice
Ranking minority member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), following the introduction of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor by
Jul 31, 2020
Sessions: Empathy = Prejudice
Sessions: Empathy = Prejudice
Ranking minority member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), following the introduction of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor by
Ranking minority member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), following the introduction of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor by
Jul 31, 2020
Oil Industry Releases Offshore Drilling Safety Recommendations « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Oil Industry Releases Offshore Drilling Safety Recommendations « The Washington Independent
Oil Industry Releases Offshore Drilling Safety Recommendations « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
BP Chief: Company Never Had the Tools to Address Oil Leak
Calling his company’s oil-well blowout in the Gulf a low-probability, high-impact episode, BP CEO Tony Hayward conceded this week that the energy giant was
Jul 31, 2020
BP Chief: Company Never Had the Tools to Address Oil Leak
BP Chief: Company Never Had the Tools to Address Oil Leak
Calling his company’s oil-well blowout in the Gulf a low-probability, high-impact episode, BP CEO Tony Hayward conceded this week that the energy giant was
Calling his company’s oil-well blowout in the Gulf a low-probability, high-impact episode, BP CEO Tony Hayward conceded this week that the energy giant was
Jul 31, 2020
When Antics on Trail Turn Ugly
Jul 31, 2020
When Antics on Trail Turn Ugly
When Antics on Trail Turn Ugly
Jul 31, 2020
Snowe to Support Baucus Bill
The wait is over. Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) just announced that she’ll support the $829 billion health reform bill soon to be voted on by the Senate Finance
Jul 31, 2020
Snowe to Support Baucus Bill
Snowe to Support Baucus Bill
The wait is over. Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) just announced that she’ll support the $829 billion health reform bill soon to be voted on by the Senate Finance
The wait is over. Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) just announced that she’ll support the $829 billion health reform bill soon to be voted on by the Senate Finance
Jul 31, 2020
Chamber Fights Accusations of Foreign Funding Behind Its Political Attack Ads
The issue of foreign money finding its way into U.S. elections is always sure to get people’s blood boiling. When President Obama suggested that Americans for
Jul 31, 2020
Chamber Fights Accusations of Foreign Funding Behind Its Political Attack Ads
Chamber Fights Accusations of Foreign Funding Behind Its Political Attack Ads
The issue of foreign money finding its way into U.S. elections is always sure to get people’s blood boiling. When President Obama suggested that Americans for
The issue of foreign money finding its way into U.S. elections is always sure to get people’s blood boiling. When President Obama suggested that Americans for
Jul 31, 2020
Bush Effigy Burned In Irony
Ah, for the days when conservatives boasted of Baghdad avenues named after the glorious George W. Bush. This is the scene in the Iraqi capitol today, in protest
Jul 31, 2020
Bush Effigy Burned In Irony
Bush Effigy Burned In Irony
Ah, for the days when conservatives boasted of Baghdad avenues named after the glorious George W. Bush. This is the scene in the Iraqi capitol today, in protest
Ah, for the days when conservatives boasted of Baghdad avenues named after the glorious George W. Bush. This is the scene in the Iraqi capitol today, in protest
Jul 31, 2020
When Are Repo Transactions Fraud?
On Friday, The Wall Street Journal revealed that major Wall Street banks regularly use repurchase-agreement, or repo, transactions to reduce their debt levels
Jul 31, 2020
When Are Repo Transactions Fraud?
When Are Repo Transactions Fraud?
On Friday, The Wall Street Journal revealed that major Wall Street banks regularly use repurchase-agreement, or repo, transactions to reduce their debt levels
On Friday, The Wall Street Journal revealed that major Wall Street banks regularly use repurchase-agreement, or repo, transactions to reduce their debt levels
Jul 31, 2020