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How Not To Write About How To Export An Awakening

Over at the Weekly Standard, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Joshua D. Goodman have a piece purporting to give advice about how to export the Anbar Awakening --
Jul 31, 2020

How Not To Write About How To Export An Awakening

How Not To Write About How To Export An Awakening

Over at the Weekly Standard, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Joshua D. Goodman have a piece purporting to give advice about how to export the Anbar Awakening --
Over at the Weekly Standard, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Joshua D. Goodman have a piece purporting to give advice about how to export the Anbar Awakening --
Jul 31, 2020

Af-Pak Hearing: The Special-Operations View

Af-Pak Hearing: The Special-Operations View

Jul 31, 2020

EPA administrator fires back at critics in op-ed

EPA administrator fires back at critics in op-ed

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson (Pic by USACEpublicaffairs, via Flickr) EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson penned a new op-ed for the Los Angeles Times , criticizing House Republicans desperately seeking to undermine the authority of the agency they have dubbed a “job killer.” Arguing that the environment affects red states and blue states alike, Jackson writes that “it is time for House Republicans to stop politicizing our air and water.” As head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Jackson has faced harsh criticism from House Republicans and GOP presidential candidates who say the agency’s regulations are an undue burden on businesses that have to cut jobs simply to comply with clean water and air rules. Presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann has pledged to end the EPA if she takes office. “Since the beginning of this year, Republicans in the House have averaged roughly a vote every day the chamber has been in session to undermine the Environmental Protection Agency and our nation’s environmental laws,” writes Jackson.
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson (Pic by USACEpublicaffairs, via Flickr) EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson penned a new op-ed for the Los Angeles Times , criticizing House Republicans desperately seeking to undermine the authority of the agency they have dubbed a “job killer.” Arguing that the environment affects red states and blue states alike, Jackson writes that “it is time for House Republicans to stop politicizing our air and water.” As head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Jackson has faced harsh criticism from House Republicans and GOP presidential candidates who say the agency’s regulations are an undue burden on businesses that have to cut jobs simply to comply with clean water and air rules. Presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann has pledged to end the EPA if she takes office. “Since the beginning of this year, Republicans in the House have averaged roughly a vote every day the chamber has been in session to undermine the Environmental Protection Agency and our nation’s environmental laws,” writes Jackson.
Jul 31, 2020

Reality for the 99ers

Reality for the 99ers

Annie Lowrey, our former colleague at the Washington Independent, is now writing for Slate — and is still doing the brilliant job she did for our network of telling the story of the 99ers , those who have been unemployed so long that they have exhausted their unemployment benefits. The average length of a spell of unemployment now sits at 30 weeks, after hitting a high of 35 weeks in July
Annie Lowrey, our former colleague at the Washington Independent, is now writing for Slate — and is still doing the brilliant job she did for our network of telling the story of the 99ers , those who have been unemployed so long that they have exhausted their unemployment benefits. The average length of a spell of unemployment now sits at 30 weeks, after hitting a high of 35 weeks in July
Jul 31, 2020

In Florida, environmentalists question safety of gulf seafood

In Florida, environmentalists question safety of gulf seafood

A concentrated oil burn in the Gulf of Mexico, conducted in May 2010 (Pic by Deepwater Horizon Response, via Flickr) Though the state Department of Agriculture has begun ramping up its campaign to educate Floridians about the safety of gulf seafood, some remain unconvinced that it is as safe for consumption as the Food and Drug Administration has claimed. Just last week, the Natural Resources Defense Council, a nonpartisan environmental advocacy group, filed a petition with the FDA, demanding that the agency “recognize the hazards posed by PAHs in seafood and set a health protective standard.” PAHs, or Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, are pollutants that have been shown to cause cancer in both animals and humans
A concentrated oil burn in the Gulf of Mexico, conducted in May 2010 (Pic by Deepwater Horizon Response, via Flickr) Though the state Department of Agriculture has begun ramping up its campaign to educate Floridians about the safety of gulf seafood, some remain unconvinced that it is as safe for consumption as the Food and Drug Administration has claimed. Just last week, the Natural Resources Defense Council, a nonpartisan environmental advocacy group, filed a petition with the FDA, demanding that the agency “recognize the hazards posed by PAHs in seafood and set a health protective standard.” PAHs, or Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, are pollutants that have been shown to cause cancer in both animals and humans
Jul 31, 2020