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Page 878 of 930
The Mis-Reading of the ‘Bradley Effect’
COMMENTARY The talking heads pretty much got it wrong. It was an anti-gun ballot measure -- more than his race -- that cost Tom Bradley the California governorship.
Jul 31, 2020
The Mis-Reading of the ‘Bradley Effect’
The Mis-Reading of the ‘Bradley Effect’
COMMENTARY The talking heads pretty much got it wrong. It was an anti-gun ballot measure -- more than his race -- that cost Tom Bradley the California governorship.
COMMENTARY The talking heads pretty much got it wrong. It was an anti-gun ballot measure -- more than his race -- that cost Tom Bradley the California governorship.
Jul 31, 2020
Alberto Gonzales: I’ll Cooperate with Leahy Truth Commission
Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appeared at a forum on Republicans and the Hispanic vote at the Capitol Hill Club this morning, getting a standing
Jul 31, 2020
Alberto Gonzales: I’ll Cooperate with Leahy Truth Commission
Alberto Gonzales: I’ll Cooperate with Leahy Truth Commission
Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appeared at a forum on Republicans and the Hispanic vote at the Capitol Hill Club this morning, getting a standing
Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appeared at a forum on Republicans and the Hispanic vote at the Capitol Hill Club this morning, getting a standing
Jul 31, 2020
Fox News Presents: Sarah Palin
That’s how I read this item about Fox News’ invitees to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner: join former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and
Jul 31, 2020
Fox News Presents: Sarah Palin
Fox News Presents: Sarah Palin
That’s how I read this item about Fox News’ invitees to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner: join former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and
That’s how I read this item about Fox News’ invitees to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner: join former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and
Jul 31, 2020
Pelosi on Baucus Proposal: ‘The House Bill Clearly Does More’
Not that anyone thought the reaction to the Senate Finance Committee’s long-awaited health reform bill would be any different, but the flurry of criticism from
Jul 31, 2020
Pelosi on Baucus Proposal: ‘The House Bill Clearly Does More’
Pelosi on Baucus Proposal: ‘The House Bill Clearly Does More’
Not that anyone thought the reaction to the Senate Finance Committee’s long-awaited health reform bill would be any different, but the flurry of criticism from
Not that anyone thought the reaction to the Senate Finance Committee’s long-awaited health reform bill would be any different, but the flurry of criticism from
Jul 31, 2020
The Old Demagoguery Is Not Working in Iran
The two-minutes-hate dreamed up by the Iranian Revolution to divert public hostility at its repression over to Israel isn’t working this year. The New York
Jul 31, 2020
The Old Demagoguery Is Not Working in Iran
The Old Demagoguery Is Not Working in Iran
The two-minutes-hate dreamed up by the Iranian Revolution to divert public hostility at its repression over to Israel isn’t working this year. The New York
The two-minutes-hate dreamed up by the Iranian Revolution to divert public hostility at its repression over to Israel isn’t working this year. The New York
Jul 31, 2020
Bailouts and False Hopes
Housing Wire weighs in today with a cautionary note on the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, making the same point we did in our pieces this week on loan
Jul 31, 2020
Bailouts and False Hopes
Bailouts and False Hopes
Housing Wire weighs in today with a cautionary note on the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, making the same point we did in our pieces this week on loan
Housing Wire weighs in today with a cautionary note on the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, making the same point we did in our pieces this week on loan
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Wants Some Contractors in Military Interrogations; No Videotaping Interrogations
More from the White House’s letter objecting to certain provisions in the fiscal 2010 defense authorization. I thought this deserved to be quoted in
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Wants Some Contractors in Military Interrogations; No Videotaping Interrogations
Obama Wants Some Contractors in Military Interrogations; No Videotaping Interrogations
More from the White House’s letter objecting to certain provisions in the fiscal 2010 defense authorization. I thought this deserved to be quoted in
More from the White House’s letter objecting to certain provisions in the fiscal 2010 defense authorization. I thought this deserved to be quoted in
Jul 31, 2020
Conference Committee Waters Down Ratings Agency Provision
Today, the conference committee merging the House and Senate versions of financial regulatory reform agreed to water down a provision randomizing the assignment
Jul 31, 2020
Conference Committee Waters Down Ratings Agency Provision
Conference Committee Waters Down Ratings Agency Provision
Today, the conference committee merging the House and Senate versions of financial regulatory reform agreed to water down a provision randomizing the assignment
Today, the conference committee merging the House and Senate versions of financial regulatory reform agreed to water down a provision randomizing the assignment
Jul 31, 2020
Obama the Rock Star vs. Obama the Peacemaker
Much as Barack Obama may deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for changing the climate toward international diplomacy and recognizing the value in cooperating with the
Jul 31, 2020
Obama the Rock Star vs. Obama the Peacemaker
Obama the Rock Star vs. Obama the Peacemaker
Much as Barack Obama may deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for changing the climate toward international diplomacy and recognizing the value in cooperating with the
Much as Barack Obama may deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for changing the climate toward international diplomacy and recognizing the value in cooperating with the
Jul 31, 2020
Oil Refiners Ramp Up Fight in Favor of California’s Prop 23
In the absence of meaningful legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions in Washington, the fight surrounding California’s ballot measure, Proposition 23, is
Jul 31, 2020
Oil Refiners Ramp Up Fight in Favor of California’s Prop 23
Oil Refiners Ramp Up Fight in Favor of California’s Prop 23
In the absence of meaningful legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions in Washington, the fight surrounding California’s ballot measure, Proposition 23, is
In the absence of meaningful legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions in Washington, the fight surrounding California’s ballot measure, Proposition 23, is
Jul 31, 2020
Scenes from the Boston Tea Party « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Scenes from the Boston Tea Party « The Washington Independent
Scenes from the Boston Tea Party « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
The Week in Immigration News
A roundup of the top immigration stories of the week: - If Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) don’t introduce an immigration bill in
Jul 31, 2020
The Week in Immigration News
The Week in Immigration News
A roundup of the top immigration stories of the week: - If Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) don’t introduce an immigration bill in
A roundup of the top immigration stories of the week: - If Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) don’t introduce an immigration bill in
Jul 31, 2020
Report: Pawlenty campaign may have ran out of money
Considering that former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty vowed to continue his 2012 presidential campaign regardless of the results of the Iowa Straw Poll, it was a bit of a surprise when he called it quits the day after he finished third place.
Jul 31, 2020
Report: Pawlenty campaign may have ran out of money
Report: Pawlenty campaign may have ran out of money
Considering that former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty vowed to continue his 2012 presidential campaign regardless of the results of the Iowa Straw Poll, it was a bit of a surprise when he called it quits the day after he finished third place.
Considering that former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty vowed to continue his 2012 presidential campaign regardless of the results of the Iowa Straw Poll, it was a bit of a surprise when he called it quits the day after he finished third place.
Jul 31, 2020
White House Writing Pipeline Leak Detection Regulatory Proposal « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
White House Writing Pipeline Leak Detection Regulatory Proposal « The Washington Independent
White House Writing Pipeline Leak Detection Regulatory Proposal « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
How Low Can It Go?
If you weren’t already a little nervous about where the economy is heading, today should give you plenty of reason to start worrying. Stock markets in Asia
Jul 31, 2020
How Low Can It Go?
How Low Can It Go?
If you weren’t already a little nervous about where the economy is heading, today should give you plenty of reason to start worrying. Stock markets in Asia
If you weren’t already a little nervous about where the economy is heading, today should give you plenty of reason to start worrying. Stock markets in Asia
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Takes MO
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Takes MO
Obama Takes MO
Jul 31, 2020
Better Late Than Never
The Associated Press: The Senate has unanimously passed a resolution apologizing for slavery and racial segregation and sent the measure to the House. Iowa
Jul 31, 2020
Better Late Than Never
Better Late Than Never
The Associated Press: The Senate has unanimously passed a resolution apologizing for slavery and racial segregation and sent the measure to the House. Iowa
The Associated Press: The Senate has unanimously passed a resolution apologizing for slavery and racial segregation and sent the measure to the House. Iowa
Jul 31, 2020
Done Deal: Senate Passes $2 Billion Cash for Clunkers Lifeline
With the enormously popular cash for clunkers program soon to exhaust its $1 billion allotment, the Senate on Thursday passed legislation providing an
Jul 31, 2020
Done Deal: Senate Passes $2 Billion Cash for Clunkers Lifeline
Done Deal: Senate Passes $2 Billion Cash for Clunkers Lifeline
With the enormously popular cash for clunkers program soon to exhaust its $1 billion allotment, the Senate on Thursday passed legislation providing an
With the enormously popular cash for clunkers program soon to exhaust its $1 billion allotment, the Senate on Thursday passed legislation providing an
Jul 31, 2020
“You don’t live in Cleveland, You live in Cincinnati!”
Cleveland--Here’s the deal with being from Ohio. Whenever I meet someone who’s been through the state, they always say they have relatives in Cleveland. I
Jul 31, 2020
“You don’t live in Cleveland, You live in Cincinnati!”
“You don’t live in Cleveland, You live in Cincinnati!”
Cleveland--Here’s the deal with being from Ohio. Whenever I meet someone who’s been through the state, they always say they have relatives in Cleveland. I
Cleveland--Here’s the deal with being from Ohio. Whenever I meet someone who’s been through the state, they always say they have relatives in Cleveland. I
Jul 31, 2020
Efforts to Oust Greene as Dems’ S.C. Senate Nominee Hit Two Roadblocks
Two of the four challenges to political newcomer Alvin Greene’s claim on the Democrats’ South Carolina Senate nomination are DOA today. The first blow came
Jul 31, 2020
Efforts to Oust Greene as Dems’ S.C. Senate Nominee Hit Two Roadblocks
Efforts to Oust Greene as Dems’ S.C. Senate Nominee Hit Two Roadblocks
Two of the four challenges to political newcomer Alvin Greene’s claim on the Democrats’ South Carolina Senate nomination are DOA today. The first blow came
Two of the four challenges to political newcomer Alvin Greene’s claim on the Democrats’ South Carolina Senate nomination are DOA today. The first blow came
Jul 31, 2020
Landrieu: Drilling Moratorium Doing More Damage Than the Oil Spill Itself
A bold statement from Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), a vehement opponent of the Obama administration’s deepwater drilling moratorium in the Gulf of
Jul 31, 2020
Landrieu: Drilling Moratorium Doing More Damage Than the Oil Spill Itself
Landrieu: Drilling Moratorium Doing More Damage Than the Oil Spill Itself
A bold statement from Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), a vehement opponent of the Obama administration’s deepwater drilling moratorium in the Gulf of
A bold statement from Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), a vehement opponent of the Obama administration’s deepwater drilling moratorium in the Gulf of
Jul 31, 2020
Gen. Mattis on Those Rumors About Taking Over for Gen. McChrystal
Almost as soon as Gen. McChrystal’s Rolling Stone comments went into the internet ether, speculation started about a replacement as commander of the Afghanistan
Jul 31, 2020
Gen. Mattis on Those Rumors About Taking Over for Gen. McChrystal
Gen. Mattis on Those Rumors About Taking Over for Gen. McChrystal
Almost as soon as Gen. McChrystal’s Rolling Stone comments went into the internet ether, speculation started about a replacement as commander of the Afghanistan
Almost as soon as Gen. McChrystal’s Rolling Stone comments went into the internet ether, speculation started about a replacement as commander of the Afghanistan
Jul 31, 2020
House votes against raising debt limit
The U.S. House Tuesday evening voted 318-97 not to raise the country’s debt limit, setting up a showdown with the White House
Jul 31, 2020
House votes against raising debt limit
House votes against raising debt limit
The U.S. House Tuesday evening voted 318-97 not to raise the country’s debt limit, setting up a showdown with the White House
The U.S. House Tuesday evening voted 318-97 not to raise the country’s debt limit, setting up a showdown with the White House
Jul 31, 2020
The CPAC Straw Poll
CPAC attendees are filling out ballots that ask their takes on the issues (such as establishing direct U.S. dialogue with countries like Iran and groups like
Jul 31, 2020
The CPAC Straw Poll
The CPAC Straw Poll
CPAC attendees are filling out ballots that ask their takes on the issues (such as establishing direct U.S. dialogue with countries like Iran and groups like
CPAC attendees are filling out ballots that ask their takes on the issues (such as establishing direct U.S. dialogue with countries like Iran and groups like
Jul 31, 2020