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Harvard Economist: Obama’s Tax Cut Not Likely to Help Economy « The Washington Independent

Jul 31, 2020

Harvard Economist: Obama’s Tax Cut Not Likely to Help Economy « The Washington Independent

Harvard Economist: Obama’s Tax Cut Not Likely to Help Economy « The Washington Independent

Jul 31, 2020

Maybe Those Under Indictment for Espionage Shouldn’t Talk About Other People’s Commitments to Israel

Maybe Those Under Indictment for Espionage Shouldn’t Talk About Other People’s Commitments to Israel

Steve Rosen, who’s trying to derail Ambassador Chas Freeman’s chairmanship of the National Intelligence Council, says this about M.J. Rosenberg from the Israel
Steve Rosen, who’s trying to derail Ambassador Chas Freeman’s chairmanship of the National Intelligence Council, says this about M.J. Rosenberg from the Israel
Jul 31, 2020

Right paints Occupy movement as menace, ties movement to Democrats

Right paints Occupy movement as menace, ties movement to Democrats

The Campaign to Defeat Obama , a political action committee with ties to the Republican Party and the Tea Party Express, has launched a campaign linking Democratic Party lawmakers and President Obama to the Occupy Wall Street movement, which is depicted by the organization as “violent mobs.” “Barack Obama has been one of the protest mobs’ biggest cheeleaders,” writes Campaign chief and right-wing politics public relations consultant Joe Wierzbicki in a release announcing a new campaign ad. Wierzbicki points readers to poll data from Quinnipiac suggesting Americans now view the Occupy movement unfavorably. The new poll finds that support for the violent Occupy Wall Street mobs has fallen further, and since Barack Obama has been one of the protest mobs’ biggest cheerleaders, it spells trouble for him as well…
The Campaign to Defeat Obama , a political action committee with ties to the Republican Party and the Tea Party Express, has launched a campaign linking Democratic Party lawmakers and President Obama to the Occupy Wall Street movement, which is depicted by the organization as “violent mobs.” “Barack Obama has been one of the protest mobs’ biggest cheeleaders,” writes Campaign chief and right-wing politics public relations consultant Joe Wierzbicki in a release announcing a new campaign ad. Wierzbicki points readers to poll data from Quinnipiac suggesting Americans now view the Occupy movement unfavorably. The new poll finds that support for the violent Occupy Wall Street mobs has fallen further, and since Barack Obama has been one of the protest mobs’ biggest cheerleaders, it spells trouble for him as well…
Jul 31, 2020