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Page 523 of 854
‘We Needed Timelines’
Those who view the U.S. military command in Iraq as being an outpost of opposition to President Obama’s withdrawal plans would have an interesting time with
Jul 31, 2020
‘We Needed Timelines’
‘We Needed Timelines’
Those who view the U.S. military command in Iraq as being an outpost of opposition to President Obama’s withdrawal plans would have an interesting time with
Those who view the U.S. military command in Iraq as being an outpost of opposition to President Obama’s withdrawal plans would have an interesting time with
Jul 31, 2020
You Read It Here First!
Two weeks ago, I talked to independent Republican groups and people working on the special congressional election in New York’s 20th Congressional District and
Jul 31, 2020
You Read It Here First!
You Read It Here First!
Two weeks ago, I talked to independent Republican groups and people working on the special congressional election in New York’s 20th Congressional District and
Two weeks ago, I talked to independent Republican groups and people working on the special congressional election in New York’s 20th Congressional District and
Jul 31, 2020
Next Steps in Getting That CIA Inspector General Report
The 2004 report into the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program from then-Inspector General John Helgerson is becoming something of a white whale for the ACLU.
Jul 31, 2020
Next Steps in Getting That CIA Inspector General Report
Next Steps in Getting That CIA Inspector General Report
The 2004 report into the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program from then-Inspector General John Helgerson is becoming something of a white whale for the ACLU.
The 2004 report into the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program from then-Inspector General John Helgerson is becoming something of a white whale for the ACLU.
Jul 31, 2020
Maggie Gallagher outlines NOM’s messaging strategy on same-sex marriage
Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage was recently a guest on the radio program Religion, Politics, and the Culture to talk about her
Jul 31, 2020
Maggie Gallagher outlines NOM’s messaging strategy on same-sex marriage
Maggie Gallagher outlines NOM’s messaging strategy on same-sex marriage
Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage was recently a guest on the radio program Religion, Politics, and the Culture to talk about her
Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage was recently a guest on the radio program Religion, Politics, and the Culture to talk about her
Jul 31, 2020
The Week’s First Fake Controversy
You almost have to admire Steve Krakauer’s ability to turn this CNN interview with President Obama into a possible wise Latina moment. The president, in
Jul 31, 2020
The Week’s First Fake Controversy
The Week’s First Fake Controversy
You almost have to admire Steve Krakauer’s ability to turn this CNN interview with President Obama into a possible wise Latina moment. The president, in
You almost have to admire Steve Krakauer’s ability to turn this CNN interview with President Obama into a possible wise Latina moment. The president, in
Jul 31, 2020
The Ubiquity of Empathy
From Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker comes this simple but not-much-discussed observation: Empathy is not, as some seem to think, a scourge peculiar
Jul 31, 2020
The Ubiquity of Empathy
The Ubiquity of Empathy
From Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker comes this simple but not-much-discussed observation: Empathy is not, as some seem to think, a scourge peculiar
From Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker comes this simple but not-much-discussed observation: Empathy is not, as some seem to think, a scourge peculiar
Jul 31, 2020
Steinberg to Speak on China at CNAS Panel Next Week
I don’t know what he’ll say, but Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg probably wouldn’t address an audience convened by the Obama administration’s shadow
Jul 31, 2020
Steinberg to Speak on China at CNAS Panel Next Week
Steinberg to Speak on China at CNAS Panel Next Week
I don’t know what he’ll say, but Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg probably wouldn’t address an audience convened by the Obama administration’s shadow
I don’t know what he’ll say, but Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg probably wouldn’t address an audience convened by the Obama administration’s shadow
Jul 31, 2020
POGO Teams Up With McCain to Get Special Forces in Afghanistan More Helicopters
Believe it: photographs from the Project on Government Oversight that don’t show contractors behaving in a sexually crude manner. Instead, in a letter
Jul 31, 2020
POGO Teams Up With McCain to Get Special Forces in Afghanistan More Helicopters
POGO Teams Up With McCain to Get Special Forces in Afghanistan More Helicopters
Believe it: photographs from the Project on Government Oversight that don’t show contractors behaving in a sexually crude manner. Instead, in a letter
Believe it: photographs from the Project on Government Oversight that don’t show contractors behaving in a sexually crude manner. Instead, in a letter
Jul 31, 2020
Feinstein Statement on the CIA Torture Report
Just released from the chairwoman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Her review is said to be rather thorough, and yet she appears distinctly
Jul 31, 2020
Feinstein Statement on the CIA Torture Report
Feinstein Statement on the CIA Torture Report
Just released from the chairwoman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Her review is said to be rather thorough, and yet she appears distinctly
Just released from the chairwoman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Her review is said to be rather thorough, and yet she appears distinctly
Jul 31, 2020
The Byrd Update: Physical Therapy, Still Hospitalized « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
The Byrd Update: Physical Therapy, Still Hospitalized « The Washington Independent
The Byrd Update: Physical Therapy, Still Hospitalized « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Obama: Immigration Reform Not Happening Until Next Year
A comprehensive immigration reform bill might be drafted by the end of this year, but President Obama said in Mexico today that he would not expect anything to
Jul 31, 2020
Obama: Immigration Reform Not Happening Until Next Year
Obama: Immigration Reform Not Happening Until Next Year
A comprehensive immigration reform bill might be drafted by the end of this year, but President Obama said in Mexico today that he would not expect anything to
A comprehensive immigration reform bill might be drafted by the end of this year, but President Obama said in Mexico today that he would not expect anything to
Jul 31, 2020
Dana Rohrabacher, Determined to Make Things Worse
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) tweets: The fraudulent Iranian election has mobilized opposition to the Mullah regime; the U.S. should back them, now’s the
Jul 31, 2020
Dana Rohrabacher, Determined to Make Things Worse
Dana Rohrabacher, Determined to Make Things Worse
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) tweets: The fraudulent Iranian election has mobilized opposition to the Mullah regime; the U.S. should back them, now’s the
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) tweets: The fraudulent Iranian election has mobilized opposition to the Mullah regime; the U.S. should back them, now’s the
Jul 31, 2020
Democrats React to Bush’s Global Warming Speech
Jul 31, 2020
Democrats React to Bush’s Global Warming Speech
Democrats React to Bush’s Global Warming Speech
Jul 31, 2020
Faith in Politics: Iowa leaders agree politicians can damage image of religion
Iowa political leaders generally agree religion sometimes gets a bad name because of how politicians use it.
Jul 31, 2020
Faith in Politics: Iowa leaders agree politicians can damage image of religion
Faith in Politics: Iowa leaders agree politicians can damage image of religion
Iowa political leaders generally agree religion sometimes gets a bad name because of how politicians use it.
Iowa political leaders generally agree religion sometimes gets a bad name because of how politicians use it.
Jul 31, 2020
‘Harm Reduction’ Addendum
Here’s the final chapter on the months-long controversy over the United Nations’ efforts to establish the next decade’s global drug policy guidelines. As we
Jul 31, 2020
‘Harm Reduction’ Addendum
‘Harm Reduction’ Addendum
Here’s the final chapter on the months-long controversy over the United Nations’ efforts to establish the next decade’s global drug policy guidelines. As we
Here’s the final chapter on the months-long controversy over the United Nations’ efforts to establish the next decade’s global drug policy guidelines. As we
Jul 31, 2020
Dems Reaping What They Sowed on Rising Credit Card Rates
Congressional Democrats this week have been publicly incredulous that the credit card industry would have the temerity to raise rates and limit lending in the
Jul 31, 2020
Dems Reaping What They Sowed on Rising Credit Card Rates
Dems Reaping What They Sowed on Rising Credit Card Rates
Congressional Democrats this week have been publicly incredulous that the credit card industry would have the temerity to raise rates and limit lending in the
Congressional Democrats this week have been publicly incredulous that the credit card industry would have the temerity to raise rates and limit lending in the
Jul 31, 2020
Plenty of Barriers to That Senate Public-Option Deal
Democratic leaders have been busy patting themselves on the back this morning following the tentative deal struck last night between liberal and conservative
Jul 31, 2020
Plenty of Barriers to That Senate Public-Option Deal
Plenty of Barriers to That Senate Public-Option Deal
Democratic leaders have been busy patting themselves on the back this morning following the tentative deal struck last night between liberal and conservative
Democratic leaders have been busy patting themselves on the back this morning following the tentative deal struck last night between liberal and conservative
Jul 31, 2020
Time Out
Jul 31, 2020
Time Out
Time Out
Jul 31, 2020
Former Adviser: McCain Camp ‘Smoking Crack’
During an interview on MSNBC this morning, GOP strategist Mike Murphy -- who helmed Sen. John McCain’s 2000 primary bid -- said the McCain campaign was smoking
Jul 31, 2020
Former Adviser: McCain Camp ‘Smoking Crack’
Former Adviser: McCain Camp ‘Smoking Crack’
During an interview on MSNBC this morning, GOP strategist Mike Murphy -- who helmed Sen. John McCain’s 2000 primary bid -- said the McCain campaign was smoking
During an interview on MSNBC this morning, GOP strategist Mike Murphy -- who helmed Sen. John McCain’s 2000 primary bid -- said the McCain campaign was smoking
Jul 31, 2020
Bonus Bacon
Mary’s blog post this morning on The Washington Post’s report today that Fannie Mae is going to pay bonuses to four top executives offers a test of the
Jul 31, 2020
Bonus Bacon
Bonus Bacon
Mary’s blog post this morning on The Washington Post’s report today that Fannie Mae is going to pay bonuses to four top executives offers a test of the
Mary’s blog post this morning on The Washington Post’s report today that Fannie Mae is going to pay bonuses to four top executives offers a test of the
Jul 31, 2020
Congressional Investigators to Stay the Month
Jul 31, 2020
Congressional Investigators to Stay the Month
Congressional Investigators to Stay the Month
Jul 31, 2020
Contracts Go Both Ways – AIG Should Turn Them Over
The federal government’s answer to the furor over AIG’s payments of ridiculous multi-million dollar bonuses to the same executives who helped drive the company
Jul 31, 2020
Contracts Go Both Ways – AIG Should Turn Them Over
Contracts Go Both Ways – AIG Should Turn Them Over
The federal government’s answer to the furor over AIG’s payments of ridiculous multi-million dollar bonuses to the same executives who helped drive the company
The federal government’s answer to the furor over AIG’s payments of ridiculous multi-million dollar bonuses to the same executives who helped drive the company
Jul 31, 2020
Calling Dibs on Gore
Jul 31, 2020
Calling Dibs on Gore
Calling Dibs on Gore
Jul 31, 2020
Michele Bachmann Weighs In on 9/11 Trials
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and the National Review’s Andrew McCarthy teamed up with other House Republicans on Thursday on the front steps of the Supreme
Jul 31, 2020
Michele Bachmann Weighs In on 9/11 Trials
Michele Bachmann Weighs In on 9/11 Trials
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and the National Review’s Andrew McCarthy teamed up with other House Republicans on Thursday on the front steps of the Supreme
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and the National Review’s Andrew McCarthy teamed up with other House Republicans on Thursday on the front steps of the Supreme
Jul 31, 2020