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Waxman: Ozone Law Explanation Hot Air

Jul 31, 2020

Waxman: Ozone Law Explanation Hot Air

Waxman: Ozone Law Explanation Hot Air

Jul 31, 2020

The Stevens Effect

The Stevens Effect

Move over ’Bradley effect,’ this election saw the birth of a new poll phenomenon. It looks like voters didn’t want to admit to supporting their senator, a convicted felon. But the vote proves that they did.
Move over ’Bradley effect,’ this election saw the birth of a new poll phenomenon. It looks like voters didn’t want to admit to supporting their senator, a convicted felon. But the vote proves that they did.
Jul 31, 2020

Freddie, Fannie Force Borrowers to Waive Legal Rights

Freddie, Fannie Force Borrowers to Waive Legal Rights

According to a review of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac refinancing documents by TWI, buried deep in the fine print lies language that strips legal rights for homeowners.
According to a review of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac refinancing documents by TWI, buried deep in the fine print lies language that strips legal rights for homeowners.
Jul 31, 2020