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Page 903 of 930
Pence: Coverage of Health Care Blowback is ‘Smearing’ Conservatives
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) becomes, I think, the first member of Congress to join Tea Party activists in pushing back against one of the big narratives of the
Jul 31, 2020
Pence: Coverage of Health Care Blowback is ‘Smearing’ Conservatives
Pence: Coverage of Health Care Blowback is ‘Smearing’ Conservatives
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) becomes, I think, the first member of Congress to join Tea Party activists in pushing back against one of the big narratives of the
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) becomes, I think, the first member of Congress to join Tea Party activists in pushing back against one of the big narratives of the
Jul 31, 2020
Sestak Defeats Specter; Dems Hold Murtha Seat
Rep. Joe Sestak (D) has defeated Sen. Arlen Specter (D) for his party’s Pennsylvania Senate nomination, while the Democratic candidate won the late Rep. John
Jul 31, 2020
Sestak Defeats Specter; Dems Hold Murtha Seat
Sestak Defeats Specter; Dems Hold Murtha Seat
Rep. Joe Sestak (D) has defeated Sen. Arlen Specter (D) for his party’s Pennsylvania Senate nomination, while the Democratic candidate won the late Rep. John
Rep. Joe Sestak (D) has defeated Sen. Arlen Specter (D) for his party’s Pennsylvania Senate nomination, while the Democratic candidate won the late Rep. John
Jul 31, 2020
Professor debates NOM founder on Minnesota marriage amendment
Maggie Gallagher Both sides of the debate over a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage met at the University of St.
Jul 31, 2020
Professor debates NOM founder on Minnesota marriage amendment
Professor debates NOM founder on Minnesota marriage amendment
Maggie Gallagher Both sides of the debate over a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage met at the University of St.
Maggie Gallagher Both sides of the debate over a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage met at the University of St.
Jul 31, 2020
War Is Very Expensive
It’ll take some time before Defense Secretary Bob Gates issues his fiscal 2010 budget, capped by the White House at $537 billion, not including the cost of the
Jul 31, 2020
War Is Very Expensive
War Is Very Expensive
It’ll take some time before Defense Secretary Bob Gates issues his fiscal 2010 budget, capped by the White House at $537 billion, not including the cost of the
It’ll take some time before Defense Secretary Bob Gates issues his fiscal 2010 budget, capped by the White House at $537 billion, not including the cost of the
Jul 31, 2020
Stress Tests Conclusion: Banks Are Stressed! « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Stress Tests Conclusion: Banks Are Stressed! « The Washington Independent
Stress Tests Conclusion: Banks Are Stressed! « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Sotomayor’s First Vote Fills Souter’s Shoes
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, confirmed earlier this month after a bruising battle with Republicans, has cast her first vote on the court in a case
Jul 31, 2020
Sotomayor’s First Vote Fills Souter’s Shoes
Sotomayor’s First Vote Fills Souter’s Shoes
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, confirmed earlier this month after a bruising battle with Republicans, has cast her first vote on the court in a case
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, confirmed earlier this month after a bruising battle with Republicans, has cast her first vote on the court in a case
Jul 31, 2020
Unemployment Insurance Vote Soon?
That’s what Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) is saying now on the Senate floor. Word is that chamber leaders are nearing an agreement to stage the final vote within
Jul 31, 2020
Unemployment Insurance Vote Soon?
Unemployment Insurance Vote Soon?
That’s what Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) is saying now on the Senate floor. Word is that chamber leaders are nearing an agreement to stage the final vote within
That’s what Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) is saying now on the Senate floor. Word is that chamber leaders are nearing an agreement to stage the final vote within
Jul 31, 2020
Pelosi: ‘We Are Very Close’ to Passing Health Care Reform
In the face of widespread suspicion that health care reform is stalled indefinitely, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters this afternoon that
Jul 31, 2020
Pelosi: ‘We Are Very Close’ to Passing Health Care Reform
Pelosi: ‘We Are Very Close’ to Passing Health Care Reform
In the face of widespread suspicion that health care reform is stalled indefinitely, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters this afternoon that
In the face of widespread suspicion that health care reform is stalled indefinitely, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters this afternoon that
Jul 31, 2020
Oil Industry Opposed to Limits on Environmental Waivers
The oil industry is pushing back against new restrictions on environmental waivers for offshore oil and natural gas projects. In a statement, American
Jul 31, 2020
Oil Industry Opposed to Limits on Environmental Waivers
Oil Industry Opposed to Limits on Environmental Waivers
The oil industry is pushing back against new restrictions on environmental waivers for offshore oil and natural gas projects. In a statement, American
The oil industry is pushing back against new restrictions on environmental waivers for offshore oil and natural gas projects. In a statement, American
Jul 31, 2020
Elizabeth Warren Debuts
Yesterday, Elizabeth Warren, newly named as an adviser to the White House and Treasury Department on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, made her debut.
Jul 31, 2020
Elizabeth Warren Debuts
Elizabeth Warren Debuts
Yesterday, Elizabeth Warren, newly named as an adviser to the White House and Treasury Department on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, made her debut.
Yesterday, Elizabeth Warren, newly named as an adviser to the White House and Treasury Department on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, made her debut.
Jul 31, 2020
Mean Mr. Mustard Sleeps in the Park
If conservatives are lucky, Dijongate will be the nadir of opposition to Barack Obama’s presidency. As far as I can tell, the idea that Americans should take
Jul 31, 2020
Mean Mr. Mustard Sleeps in the Park
Mean Mr. Mustard Sleeps in the Park
If conservatives are lucky, Dijongate will be the nadir of opposition to Barack Obama’s presidency. As far as I can tell, the idea that Americans should take
If conservatives are lucky, Dijongate will be the nadir of opposition to Barack Obama’s presidency. As far as I can tell, the idea that Americans should take
Jul 31, 2020
2. Birtherism
Too far-fetched for even the likes of Rush Limbaugh to discuss as anything but the punchline to a joke, “birtherism” has gained 9/11 truther-like staying
Jul 31, 2020
2. Birtherism
2. Birtherism
Too far-fetched for even the likes of Rush Limbaugh to discuss as anything but the punchline to a joke, “birtherism” has gained 9/11 truther-like staying
Too far-fetched for even the likes of Rush Limbaugh to discuss as anything but the punchline to a joke, “birtherism” has gained 9/11 truther-like staying
Jul 31, 2020
Obama (Passively) Wants Parity for Crack Sentencing
This morning’s Senate panel hearing on the wide discrepancy between sentencing for crack and powder cocaine-related crimes offered the Obama administration its
Jul 31, 2020
Obama (Passively) Wants Parity for Crack Sentencing
Obama (Passively) Wants Parity for Crack Sentencing
This morning’s Senate panel hearing on the wide discrepancy between sentencing for crack and powder cocaine-related crimes offered the Obama administration its
This morning’s Senate panel hearing on the wide discrepancy between sentencing for crack and powder cocaine-related crimes offered the Obama administration its
Jul 31, 2020
Cap-and-Trade Proves Popular in Some Conservative Democrats’ Districts
It appears that cap-and-trade legislation is turning out to be popular in the states of some conservative Democrats, according to a new poll that Democratic
Jul 31, 2020
Cap-and-Trade Proves Popular in Some Conservative Democrats’ Districts
Cap-and-Trade Proves Popular in Some Conservative Democrats’ Districts
It appears that cap-and-trade legislation is turning out to be popular in the states of some conservative Democrats, according to a new poll that Democratic
It appears that cap-and-trade legislation is turning out to be popular in the states of some conservative Democrats, according to a new poll that Democratic
Jul 31, 2020
Flint, Mich. and the Incredible Shrinking American City
The New York Times gives high-profile treatment today to efforts in Flint, Mich. to deal with a deluge of abandoned and vacant properties by literally shrinking
Jul 31, 2020
Flint, Mich. and the Incredible Shrinking American City
Flint, Mich. and the Incredible Shrinking American City
The New York Times gives high-profile treatment today to efforts in Flint, Mich. to deal with a deluge of abandoned and vacant properties by literally shrinking
The New York Times gives high-profile treatment today to efforts in Flint, Mich. to deal with a deluge of abandoned and vacant properties by literally shrinking
Jul 31, 2020
Fox News Poll: Most Blame Bush for Economy
Here’s a somewhat surprising result from the new Fox News poll. Asked which president is more responsible for the current state of the economy, only 18
Jul 31, 2020
Fox News Poll: Most Blame Bush for Economy
Fox News Poll: Most Blame Bush for Economy
Here’s a somewhat surprising result from the new Fox News poll. Asked which president is more responsible for the current state of the economy, only 18
Here’s a somewhat surprising result from the new Fox News poll. Asked which president is more responsible for the current state of the economy, only 18
Jul 31, 2020
Michigan Dems introduce unemployment benefit restoration bill
State Democrats introduced legislation Monday aimed at restoring six weeks worth of unemployment insurance cut by the GOP-dominated legislature earlier this year. The legislation was introduced in the House by Rep
Jul 31, 2020
Michigan Dems introduce unemployment benefit restoration bill
Michigan Dems introduce unemployment benefit restoration bill
State Democrats introduced legislation Monday aimed at restoring six weeks worth of unemployment insurance cut by the GOP-dominated legislature earlier this year. The legislation was introduced in the House by Rep
State Democrats introduced legislation Monday aimed at restoring six weeks worth of unemployment insurance cut by the GOP-dominated legislature earlier this year. The legislation was introduced in the House by Rep
Jul 31, 2020
During August Recess, RES Proponents Continue To Push
Proponents of a renewable energy standard, which would require that a certain percentage of the country’s electricity be produced from sources like wind and
Jul 31, 2020
During August Recess, RES Proponents Continue To Push
During August Recess, RES Proponents Continue To Push
Proponents of a renewable energy standard, which would require that a certain percentage of the country’s electricity be produced from sources like wind and
Proponents of a renewable energy standard, which would require that a certain percentage of the country’s electricity be produced from sources like wind and
Jul 31, 2020
Mainstream Conservative Website’s Name Appears on Ads Questioning Obama’s Citizenship
I usually skip the advertisements that sends its readers, from unaffiliated conservative groups that buy their lists. But this one was a doozy.
Jul 31, 2020
Mainstream Conservative Website’s Name Appears on Ads Questioning Obama’s Citizenship
Mainstream Conservative Website’s Name Appears on Ads Questioning Obama’s Citizenship
I usually skip the advertisements that sends its readers, from unaffiliated conservative groups that buy their lists. But this one was a doozy.
I usually skip the advertisements that sends its readers, from unaffiliated conservative groups that buy their lists. But this one was a doozy.
Jul 31, 2020
Conyers: No Public Option, No Passage
The Michigan Messenger’s Todd Heywood reports some strong statements from Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) in support of a government-run health insurance plan to
Jul 31, 2020
Conyers: No Public Option, No Passage
Conyers: No Public Option, No Passage
The Michigan Messenger’s Todd Heywood reports some strong statements from Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) in support of a government-run health insurance plan to
The Michigan Messenger’s Todd Heywood reports some strong statements from Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) in support of a government-run health insurance plan to
Jul 31, 2020
Intel Report: al-Qaeda in Yemen Determined to Strike in U.S.
Mark Hosenball gets a hold of a report from a northern California-based fusion center of federal, state and local homeland security and law enforcement
Jul 31, 2020
Intel Report: al-Qaeda in Yemen Determined to Strike in U.S.
Intel Report: al-Qaeda in Yemen Determined to Strike in U.S.
Mark Hosenball gets a hold of a report from a northern California-based fusion center of federal, state and local homeland security and law enforcement
Mark Hosenball gets a hold of a report from a northern California-based fusion center of federal, state and local homeland security and law enforcement
Jul 31, 2020
Charges of Whitewashing Cloud Mine Safety Investigations
Following deadly mine disasters in the last decade, MSHA’s internal investigators concluded that although the agency made significant mistakes, it was not to blame for the accidents.
Jul 31, 2020
Charges of Whitewashing Cloud Mine Safety Investigations
Charges of Whitewashing Cloud Mine Safety Investigations
Following deadly mine disasters in the last decade, MSHA’s internal investigators concluded that although the agency made significant mistakes, it was not to blame for the accidents.
Following deadly mine disasters in the last decade, MSHA’s internal investigators concluded that although the agency made significant mistakes, it was not to blame for the accidents.
Jul 31, 2020
In Texas, a Fire Kindles Fears of Voter Fraud
Democrats actually have a chance of winning a few races in Texas this year, but to do so, they have to be able to vote. In Harris County, a key county where
Jul 31, 2020
In Texas, a Fire Kindles Fears of Voter Fraud
In Texas, a Fire Kindles Fears of Voter Fraud
Democrats actually have a chance of winning a few races in Texas this year, but to do so, they have to be able to vote. In Harris County, a key county where
Democrats actually have a chance of winning a few races in Texas this year, but to do so, they have to be able to vote. In Harris County, a key county where
Jul 31, 2020
You’ll Believe a Populist Can Fly
Via Rachel Weiner, Joe McGinniss discovers that Sarah Palin is, instead of riding her decked-out book tour bus, cosseted in the luxury of a Gulfstream II
Jul 31, 2020
You’ll Believe a Populist Can Fly
You’ll Believe a Populist Can Fly
Via Rachel Weiner, Joe McGinniss discovers that Sarah Palin is, instead of riding her decked-out book tour bus, cosseted in the luxury of a Gulfstream II
Via Rachel Weiner, Joe McGinniss discovers that Sarah Palin is, instead of riding her decked-out book tour bus, cosseted in the luxury of a Gulfstream II
Jul 31, 2020