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Page 92 of 930
Lawmakers Lobby for Local Help Under TARP
The Hill has a great piece this morning revealing how some powerful Democrats have lobbied the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation urging bailout funds for
Jul 31, 2020
Lawmakers Lobby for Local Help Under TARP
Lawmakers Lobby for Local Help Under TARP
The Hill has a great piece this morning revealing how some powerful Democrats have lobbied the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation urging bailout funds for
The Hill has a great piece this morning revealing how some powerful Democrats have lobbied the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation urging bailout funds for
Jul 31, 2020
Sen. Zaffirini seeking all information on contentious higher ed proposals
The chair of the Senate Committee on Higher Education has filed a comprehensive public information request for documents related to university proposals created
Jul 31, 2020
Sen. Zaffirini seeking all information on contentious higher ed proposals
Sen. Zaffirini seeking all information on contentious higher ed proposals
The chair of the Senate Committee on Higher Education has filed a comprehensive public information request for documents related to university proposals created
The chair of the Senate Committee on Higher Education has filed a comprehensive public information request for documents related to university proposals created
Jul 31, 2020
Ex-FEMA Head Michael Brown Evacuated from Colorado Wildfire « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Ex-FEMA Head Michael Brown Evacuated from Colorado Wildfire « The Washington Independent
Ex-FEMA Head Michael Brown Evacuated from Colorado Wildfire « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Abortion rights advocates to target Rep. Chip Cravaack
Rep. Chip Cravaack is a top target of Democrats and reproductive rights advocates in 2012 even if the Republican freshman has yet to draw a challenger. Cravaack is one of 14 vulnerable Republicans the Democrats hope to unseat in 2012, and EMILY’s List has announced that Cravaack is one of its top five targets
Jul 31, 2020
Abortion rights advocates to target Rep. Chip Cravaack
Abortion rights advocates to target Rep. Chip Cravaack
Rep. Chip Cravaack is a top target of Democrats and reproductive rights advocates in 2012 even if the Republican freshman has yet to draw a challenger. Cravaack is one of 14 vulnerable Republicans the Democrats hope to unseat in 2012, and EMILY’s List has announced that Cravaack is one of its top five targets
Rep. Chip Cravaack is a top target of Democrats and reproductive rights advocates in 2012 even if the Republican freshman has yet to draw a challenger. Cravaack is one of 14 vulnerable Republicans the Democrats hope to unseat in 2012, and EMILY’s List has announced that Cravaack is one of its top five targets
Jul 31, 2020
Environmental and voters’ groups ask for public comment period on Keystone pipeline
A coalition of 32 groups, including the League of Conservation Voters, the National Wildlife Federation and Audubon Nebraska, have written a letter to Sec.
Jul 31, 2020
Environmental and voters’ groups ask for public comment period on Keystone pipeline
Environmental and voters’ groups ask for public comment period on Keystone pipeline
A coalition of 32 groups, including the League of Conservation Voters, the National Wildlife Federation and Audubon Nebraska, have written a letter to Sec.
A coalition of 32 groups, including the League of Conservation Voters, the National Wildlife Federation and Audubon Nebraska, have written a letter to Sec.
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Nominates Sebelius to HHS
A few big announcements from the Obama administration on the health care front today: Confirming reports over the weekend that he was set to do so, President
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Nominates Sebelius to HHS
Obama Nominates Sebelius to HHS
A few big announcements from the Obama administration on the health care front today: Confirming reports over the weekend that he was set to do so, President
A few big announcements from the Obama administration on the health care front today: Confirming reports over the weekend that he was set to do so, President
Jul 31, 2020
Elitist Charge Not New for Obama
Well before Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) remarks about small town voters growing bitter, Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) labeled the Democratic presidential
Jul 31, 2020
Elitist Charge Not New for Obama
Elitist Charge Not New for Obama
Well before Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) remarks about small town voters growing bitter, Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) labeled the Democratic presidential
Well before Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) remarks about small town voters growing bitter, Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) labeled the Democratic presidential
Jul 31, 2020
NYT Wakes Up To Obama’s Surprising Flexibility on the Rule of Law
Reading The New York Times’ lead editorial today feels a bit like reading a summary of much of what I’ve been writing for the past two months: that President
Jul 31, 2020
NYT Wakes Up To Obama’s Surprising Flexibility on the Rule of Law
NYT Wakes Up To Obama’s Surprising Flexibility on the Rule of Law
Reading The New York Times’ lead editorial today feels a bit like reading a summary of much of what I’ve been writing for the past two months: that President
Reading The New York Times’ lead editorial today feels a bit like reading a summary of much of what I’ve been writing for the past two months: that President
Jul 31, 2020
Lawmakers Call for New Offshore Wind Agency
A group of lawmakers is calling on Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to create a new bureau within the Interior Department that will focus specifically on
Jul 31, 2020
Lawmakers Call for New Offshore Wind Agency
Lawmakers Call for New Offshore Wind Agency
A group of lawmakers is calling on Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to create a new bureau within the Interior Department that will focus specifically on
A group of lawmakers is calling on Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to create a new bureau within the Interior Department that will focus specifically on
Jul 31, 2020
Supreme Court Could Confront Constitutionality of Spending Bill
Lyle Denniston at SCOTUSblog points out that the Supreme Court’s decision to hear the case of 17 Chinese Muslim Uighur detainees who a judge ordered released
Jul 31, 2020
Supreme Court Could Confront Constitutionality of Spending Bill
Supreme Court Could Confront Constitutionality of Spending Bill
Lyle Denniston at SCOTUSblog points out that the Supreme Court’s decision to hear the case of 17 Chinese Muslim Uighur detainees who a judge ordered released
Lyle Denniston at SCOTUSblog points out that the Supreme Court’s decision to hear the case of 17 Chinese Muslim Uighur detainees who a judge ordered released
Jul 31, 2020
Gibbs: Why Would the New Iran Nuke Move Scuttle the Sanctions Process?
Building on his previous noncommittal statement about Iran’s declared deal to send most of its uranium to Turkey for enrichment, Robert Gibbs was a human dose
Jul 31, 2020
Gibbs: Why Would the New Iran Nuke Move Scuttle the Sanctions Process?
Gibbs: Why Would the New Iran Nuke Move Scuttle the Sanctions Process?
Building on his previous noncommittal statement about Iran’s declared deal to send most of its uranium to Turkey for enrichment, Robert Gibbs was a human dose
Building on his previous noncommittal statement about Iran’s declared deal to send most of its uranium to Turkey for enrichment, Robert Gibbs was a human dose
Jul 31, 2020
Now Congress Hears That Rules Of Engagement Are ‘Unenforceable’ In Iraq
Jul 31, 2020
Now Congress Hears That Rules Of Engagement Are ‘Unenforceable’ In Iraq
Now Congress Hears That Rules Of Engagement Are ‘Unenforceable’ In Iraq
Jul 31, 2020
Every Mistake Imaginable
Just out: the hot new list of general-officer assignments. Who’s getting what, General Casey? The Army chief of staff announces the assignment of the following
Jul 31, 2020
Every Mistake Imaginable
Every Mistake Imaginable
Just out: the hot new list of general-officer assignments. Who’s getting what, General Casey? The Army chief of staff announces the assignment of the following
Just out: the hot new list of general-officer assignments. Who’s getting what, General Casey? The Army chief of staff announces the assignment of the following
Jul 31, 2020
Ever-Closer Relations With China
Following up on this post about China’s role in Iran sanctions and nuclear security, President Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao shared a phone call last
Jul 31, 2020
Ever-Closer Relations With China
Ever-Closer Relations With China
Following up on this post about China’s role in Iran sanctions and nuclear security, President Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao shared a phone call last
Following up on this post about China’s role in Iran sanctions and nuclear security, President Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao shared a phone call last
Jul 31, 2020
If the President Does It, It Isn’t Torture: Did Rice Just Implicate Bush?
So says Condoleezza Rice, the former national security adviser and secretary of state to President George W. Bush, in this extraordinary talk with a student at
Jul 31, 2020
If the President Does It, It Isn’t Torture: Did Rice Just Implicate Bush?
If the President Does It, It Isn’t Torture: Did Rice Just Implicate Bush?
So says Condoleezza Rice, the former national security adviser and secretary of state to President George W. Bush, in this extraordinary talk with a student at
So says Condoleezza Rice, the former national security adviser and secretary of state to President George W. Bush, in this extraordinary talk with a student at
Jul 31, 2020
Conservative Group Attacks Supreme Court ‘Frontrunners’
The Judicial Confirmation Network, a conservative advocacy group whose executive director weighed in on the Supreme Court debate in my piece this morning, has
Jul 31, 2020
Conservative Group Attacks Supreme Court ‘Frontrunners’
Conservative Group Attacks Supreme Court ‘Frontrunners’
The Judicial Confirmation Network, a conservative advocacy group whose executive director weighed in on the Supreme Court debate in my piece this morning, has
The Judicial Confirmation Network, a conservative advocacy group whose executive director weighed in on the Supreme Court debate in my piece this morning, has
Jul 31, 2020
Leahy: Truth Commission Not Dead, Just Resting
As Daphne wrote earlier, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) reportedly told Charlotte Dennett, writing for, that even he thinks his proposed truth
Jul 31, 2020
Leahy: Truth Commission Not Dead, Just Resting
Leahy: Truth Commission Not Dead, Just Resting
As Daphne wrote earlier, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) reportedly told Charlotte Dennett, writing for, that even he thinks his proposed truth
As Daphne wrote earlier, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) reportedly told Charlotte Dennett, writing for, that even he thinks his proposed truth
Jul 31, 2020
Fed Official Outlines Plan to Sell Mortgage-Backed Securities
Sudeep Reddy of The Wall Street Journal interviews James Bullard, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -- a voting member of the Federal Open
Jul 31, 2020
Fed Official Outlines Plan to Sell Mortgage-Backed Securities
Fed Official Outlines Plan to Sell Mortgage-Backed Securities
Sudeep Reddy of The Wall Street Journal interviews James Bullard, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -- a voting member of the Federal Open
Sudeep Reddy of The Wall Street Journal interviews James Bullard, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -- a voting member of the Federal Open
Jul 31, 2020
Supreme Court ruling on life sentences for juveniles problematic for Iowa courts
DAVENPORT — The walk to the third floor of the Scott County Courthouse is a study in stark contrasts.
Jul 31, 2020
Supreme Court ruling on life sentences for juveniles problematic for Iowa courts
Supreme Court ruling on life sentences for juveniles problematic for Iowa courts
DAVENPORT — The walk to the third floor of the Scott County Courthouse is a study in stark contrasts.
DAVENPORT — The walk to the third floor of the Scott County Courthouse is a study in stark contrasts.
Jul 31, 2020
Time Running Out On The Sons Of Iraq? « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Time Running Out On The Sons Of Iraq? « The Washington Independent
Time Running Out On The Sons Of Iraq? « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Treating American Muslims Like Citizens vs. Treating Them Like Threats
If ever you want a distillation of the differences between Obama’s conception of how to handle the emerging problem of domestic extremism and how his right-wing
Jul 31, 2020
Treating American Muslims Like Citizens vs. Treating Them Like Threats
Treating American Muslims Like Citizens vs. Treating Them Like Threats
If ever you want a distillation of the differences between Obama’s conception of how to handle the emerging problem of domestic extremism and how his right-wing
If ever you want a distillation of the differences between Obama’s conception of how to handle the emerging problem of domestic extremism and how his right-wing
Jul 31, 2020
Office of Congressional Ethics Admonishes Former Rep. Nathan Deal
Former Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.), a candidate for governor who delayed his resignation from the House to vote against health care reform, was also fleeing an
Jul 31, 2020
Office of Congressional Ethics Admonishes Former Rep. Nathan Deal
Office of Congressional Ethics Admonishes Former Rep. Nathan Deal
Former Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.), a candidate for governor who delayed his resignation from the House to vote against health care reform, was also fleeing an
Former Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.), a candidate for governor who delayed his resignation from the House to vote against health care reform, was also fleeing an
Jul 31, 2020
Geithner Opposes Warren for CFPB
The head of the new consumer financial protection bureau will be one of the most important figures in the financial world. This has led to serious speculation
Jul 31, 2020
Geithner Opposes Warren for CFPB
Geithner Opposes Warren for CFPB
The head of the new consumer financial protection bureau will be one of the most important figures in the financial world. This has led to serious speculation
The head of the new consumer financial protection bureau will be one of the most important figures in the financial world. This has led to serious speculation
Jul 31, 2020
Ginsburg’s Cancer Surgery Sparks Speculation About Future Justices
The news that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent surgery yesterday for early-stage pancreatic cancer has already led to much speculation about
Jul 31, 2020
Ginsburg’s Cancer Surgery Sparks Speculation About Future Justices
Ginsburg’s Cancer Surgery Sparks Speculation About Future Justices
The news that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent surgery yesterday for early-stage pancreatic cancer has already led to much speculation about
The news that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent surgery yesterday for early-stage pancreatic cancer has already led to much speculation about
Jul 31, 2020