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Page 419 of 854
Sen. Burr: North Carolina Will Stay Red
Jul 31, 2020
Sen. Burr: North Carolina Will Stay Red
Sen. Burr: North Carolina Will Stay Red
Jul 31, 2020
Feinberg to Look Back at (But Not Claw Back) Bank Bonuses
Now that there are only a few banks left that haven’t repaid their TARP funds -- and many did so to get out from under Pay Czar Ken Feinberg’s pay-restricting
Jul 31, 2020
Feinberg to Look Back at (But Not Claw Back) Bank Bonuses
Feinberg to Look Back at (But Not Claw Back) Bank Bonuses
Now that there are only a few banks left that haven’t repaid their TARP funds -- and many did so to get out from under Pay Czar Ken Feinberg’s pay-restricting
Now that there are only a few banks left that haven’t repaid their TARP funds -- and many did so to get out from under Pay Czar Ken Feinberg’s pay-restricting
Jul 31, 2020
McCain Puts Foreign Countries First, Says Obama
Jul 31, 2020
McCain Puts Foreign Countries First, Says Obama
McCain Puts Foreign Countries First, Says Obama
Jul 31, 2020
GOP Takes Command in Virginia
A new Washington Post poll in the Virginia gubernatorial race has Republican candidate Bob McDonnell jumping to a 9-point lead over Democratic candidate Creigh
Jul 31, 2020
GOP Takes Command in Virginia
GOP Takes Command in Virginia
A new Washington Post poll in the Virginia gubernatorial race has Republican candidate Bob McDonnell jumping to a 9-point lead over Democratic candidate Creigh
A new Washington Post poll in the Virginia gubernatorial race has Republican candidate Bob McDonnell jumping to a 9-point lead over Democratic candidate Creigh
Jul 31, 2020
Florida has turned down $106million in federal health care funds
The Associated Press is reporting that Gov.
Jul 31, 2020
Florida has turned down $106million in federal health care funds
Florida has turned down $106million in federal health care funds
The Associated Press is reporting that Gov.
The Associated Press is reporting that Gov.
Jul 31, 2020
Tim Pawlenty’s PAC Hires Key Figure From U.S. Attorney Firing Scandal
The Minnesota governor’s PAC is rolling out today with a media blitz reflecting the talent of his staff (such as former Republican National Committee spokesman
Jul 31, 2020
Tim Pawlenty’s PAC Hires Key Figure From U.S. Attorney Firing Scandal
Tim Pawlenty’s PAC Hires Key Figure From U.S. Attorney Firing Scandal
The Minnesota governor’s PAC is rolling out today with a media blitz reflecting the talent of his staff (such as former Republican National Committee spokesman
The Minnesota governor’s PAC is rolling out today with a media blitz reflecting the talent of his staff (such as former Republican National Committee spokesman
Jul 31, 2020
I’ll See Your $35 Million…
<p>When the Clinton campaign said it had <a title="raised $3 million" href="../../../view/success-breeds"
Jul 31, 2020
I’ll See Your $35 Million…
I’ll See Your $35 Million…
<p>When the Clinton campaign said it had <a title="raised $3 million" href="../../../view/success-breeds"
<p>When the Clinton campaign said it had <a title="raised $3 million" href="../../../view/success-breeds"
Jul 31, 2020
New York seeking to introduce hydrofracking, extends comment period
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation has extended the public comment period on a proposed new policy on hydrofracking regulation from 60 days to 90 days. The agency has recommended ending the ban on fracking in that state and allow it with some regulations. The proposed policy is more than 1,000 pages long and a coalition of environmental groups had asked Gov
Jul 31, 2020
New York seeking to introduce hydrofracking, extends comment period
New York seeking to introduce hydrofracking, extends comment period
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation has extended the public comment period on a proposed new policy on hydrofracking regulation from 60 days to 90 days. The agency has recommended ending the ban on fracking in that state and allow it with some regulations. The proposed policy is more than 1,000 pages long and a coalition of environmental groups had asked Gov
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation has extended the public comment period on a proposed new policy on hydrofracking regulation from 60 days to 90 days. The agency has recommended ending the ban on fracking in that state and allow it with some regulations. The proposed policy is more than 1,000 pages long and a coalition of environmental groups had asked Gov
Jul 31, 2020
McCain Says He Would Fire SEC Chair, But Can’t
In a speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa today, Sen. John McCain said that if he were president, he would fire Chris Cox, the current chairman of the Securities and
Jul 31, 2020
McCain Says He Would Fire SEC Chair, But Can’t
McCain Says He Would Fire SEC Chair, But Can’t
In a speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa today, Sen. John McCain said that if he were president, he would fire Chris Cox, the current chairman of the Securities and
In a speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa today, Sen. John McCain said that if he were president, he would fire Chris Cox, the current chairman of the Securities and
Jul 31, 2020
CNN Poll: 52 Percent Say Afghanistan Is ‘Another Vietnam’
CNN has just released a poll that found 52 percent of Americans, according to a new CNN poll, say Afghanistan has turned into a situation like the U.S. faced
Jul 31, 2020
CNN Poll: 52 Percent Say Afghanistan Is ‘Another Vietnam’
CNN Poll: 52 Percent Say Afghanistan Is ‘Another Vietnam’
CNN has just released a poll that found 52 percent of Americans, according to a new CNN poll, say Afghanistan has turned into a situation like the U.S. faced
CNN has just released a poll that found 52 percent of Americans, according to a new CNN poll, say Afghanistan has turned into a situation like the U.S. faced
Jul 31, 2020
House Panel Displeased With Human Terrain System
Next year’s defense bill pretty much demolishes the Obama administration’s jury-rigged plan to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay by exporting
Jul 31, 2020
House Panel Displeased With Human Terrain System
House Panel Displeased With Human Terrain System
Next year’s defense bill pretty much demolishes the Obama administration’s jury-rigged plan to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay by exporting
Next year’s defense bill pretty much demolishes the Obama administration’s jury-rigged plan to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay by exporting
Jul 31, 2020
Cronyism, Cocaine, Oil…and now Congressional Oversight
Jul 31, 2020
Cronyism, Cocaine, Oil…and now Congressional Oversight
Cronyism, Cocaine, Oil…and now Congressional Oversight
Jul 31, 2020
Is McCain, Like Everybody, Working for the Weekend?
As Politico’s Jonathan Martin reports, Sen. John McCain appears to have an aversion to campaigning on weekends. According to Martin, the McCain campaign has
Jul 31, 2020
Is McCain, Like Everybody, Working for the Weekend?
Is McCain, Like Everybody, Working for the Weekend?
As Politico’s Jonathan Martin reports, Sen. John McCain appears to have an aversion to campaigning on weekends. According to Martin, the McCain campaign has
As Politico’s Jonathan Martin reports, Sen. John McCain appears to have an aversion to campaigning on weekends. According to Martin, the McCain campaign has
Jul 31, 2020
STATE OF PLAY: Obama’s ‘Elitist’ Remarks
Jul 31, 2020
STATE OF PLAY: Obama’s ‘Elitist’ Remarks
STATE OF PLAY: Obama’s ‘Elitist’ Remarks
Jul 31, 2020
Through An Afghan Truck Driver’s Eyes
FORWARD OPERATING BASE SALERNO, Afghanistan -– Demonstrating the unconventional approach taken by the Human Terrain Team, the team recently interviewed 25
Jul 31, 2020
Through An Afghan Truck Driver’s Eyes
Through An Afghan Truck Driver’s Eyes
FORWARD OPERATING BASE SALERNO, Afghanistan -– Demonstrating the unconventional approach taken by the Human Terrain Team, the team recently interviewed 25
FORWARD OPERATING BASE SALERNO, Afghanistan -– Demonstrating the unconventional approach taken by the Human Terrain Team, the team recently interviewed 25
Jul 31, 2020
Sen. Ted Kennedy, 1932-2009
In memory of Sen. Ted Kennedy, TWI has compiled its recent coverage of the senator and the effect his passing will have on the country.
Jul 31, 2020
Sen. Ted Kennedy, 1932-2009
Sen. Ted Kennedy, 1932-2009
In memory of Sen. Ted Kennedy, TWI has compiled its recent coverage of the senator and the effect his passing will have on the country.
In memory of Sen. Ted Kennedy, TWI has compiled its recent coverage of the senator and the effect his passing will have on the country.
Jul 31, 2020
McCain Speeches Don’t Deliver
Jul 31, 2020
McCain Speeches Don’t Deliver
McCain Speeches Don’t Deliver
Jul 31, 2020
The National Republican Trust Strikes Back!
The incredibly successful, punchy conservative messaging firm -- one year ago, it was dumping negative ads into the NY-20 special election -- is back with an
Jul 31, 2020
The National Republican Trust Strikes Back!
The National Republican Trust Strikes Back!
The incredibly successful, punchy conservative messaging firm -- one year ago, it was dumping negative ads into the NY-20 special election -- is back with an
The incredibly successful, punchy conservative messaging firm -- one year ago, it was dumping negative ads into the NY-20 special election -- is back with an
Jul 31, 2020
‘We Don’t Want Donald Trump’ Facebook effort successful
The jubilant postings on the Facebook page “ We Don’t Want Donald Trump to Drive the Indy 500 Pace Car ” tell the story: “Awesome news!” and “VICTORY!” and “Na-na-na-na. Hey, hey, hey.
Jul 31, 2020
‘We Don’t Want Donald Trump’ Facebook effort successful
‘We Don’t Want Donald Trump’ Facebook effort successful
The jubilant postings on the Facebook page “ We Don’t Want Donald Trump to Drive the Indy 500 Pace Car ” tell the story: “Awesome news!” and “VICTORY!” and “Na-na-na-na. Hey, hey, hey.
The jubilant postings on the Facebook page “ We Don’t Want Donald Trump to Drive the Indy 500 Pace Car ” tell the story: “Awesome news!” and “VICTORY!” and “Na-na-na-na. Hey, hey, hey.
Jul 31, 2020
Dem Vets Slam McCain Before Speech to Veterans Group « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Dem Vets Slam McCain Before Speech to Veterans Group « The Washington Independent
Dem Vets Slam McCain Before Speech to Veterans Group « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
ACLU reaches settlement with Islamic school in separation of church and state case
The Minnesota chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced Monday that they’ve reached a partial settlement in a court case involving an Islamic public charter school that blurred the lines between church and state. The case, which has been going on for more than two years, has drawn a lightning-storm of controversy that had Christian conservatives and church-state watchdogs fighting alongside one another
Jul 31, 2020
ACLU reaches settlement with Islamic school in separation of church and state case
ACLU reaches settlement with Islamic school in separation of church and state case
The Minnesota chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced Monday that they’ve reached a partial settlement in a court case involving an Islamic public charter school that blurred the lines between church and state. The case, which has been going on for more than two years, has drawn a lightning-storm of controversy that had Christian conservatives and church-state watchdogs fighting alongside one another
The Minnesota chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced Monday that they’ve reached a partial settlement in a court case involving an Islamic public charter school that blurred the lines between church and state. The case, which has been going on for more than two years, has drawn a lightning-storm of controversy that had Christian conservatives and church-state watchdogs fighting alongside one another
Jul 31, 2020
Video: Legal Experts Duke It Out Over Free Speech Case
Today at the Heritage Foundation, legal experts debated the merits of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision -- with Justice Anthony Kennedy joining the liberal wing
Jul 31, 2020
Video: Legal Experts Duke It Out Over Free Speech Case
Video: Legal Experts Duke It Out Over Free Speech Case
Today at the Heritage Foundation, legal experts debated the merits of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision -- with Justice Anthony Kennedy joining the liberal wing
Today at the Heritage Foundation, legal experts debated the merits of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision -- with Justice Anthony Kennedy joining the liberal wing
Jul 31, 2020
Oil Spill Commission Does Not Address Controversial Reports at Meeting
The national oil spill commission has made headlines last week for its reports that heavily criticized the Obama administration for its response to the Gulf oil
Jul 31, 2020
Oil Spill Commission Does Not Address Controversial Reports at Meeting
Oil Spill Commission Does Not Address Controversial Reports at Meeting
The national oil spill commission has made headlines last week for its reports that heavily criticized the Obama administration for its response to the Gulf oil
The national oil spill commission has made headlines last week for its reports that heavily criticized the Obama administration for its response to the Gulf oil
Jul 31, 2020
Bobby Jindal and the Stimulus as Hurricane Katrina
Below is the full text of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s Republican response speech. But I’m struck by this bit: Today in Washington, some are promising that
Jul 31, 2020
Bobby Jindal and the Stimulus as Hurricane Katrina
Bobby Jindal and the Stimulus as Hurricane Katrina
Below is the full text of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s Republican response speech. But I’m struck by this bit: Today in Washington, some are promising that
Below is the full text of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s Republican response speech. But I’m struck by this bit: Today in Washington, some are promising that
Jul 31, 2020