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Page 638 of 854
Holder Names New Justice Department Ethics Chief
Attorney General Eric Holder this afternoon named Mary Patrice Brown as the new head of the Office of Professional Responsibility, the Justice Department’s
Jul 31, 2020
Holder Names New Justice Department Ethics Chief
Holder Names New Justice Department Ethics Chief
Attorney General Eric Holder this afternoon named Mary Patrice Brown as the new head of the Office of Professional Responsibility, the Justice Department’s
Attorney General Eric Holder this afternoon named Mary Patrice Brown as the new head of the Office of Professional Responsibility, the Justice Department’s
Jul 31, 2020
Pelosi Thumbs China’s Eye With Praise for the Dalai LamaPelosi Thumbs China’s Eye With Praise for the Dalai Lama | The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Pelosi Thumbs China’s Eye With Praise for the Dalai LamaPelosi Thumbs China’s Eye With Praise for the Dalai Lama | The Washington Independent
Pelosi Thumbs China’s Eye With Praise for the Dalai LamaPelosi Thumbs China’s Eye With Praise for the Dalai Lama | The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Michigan Rep. Hoogendyk preparing to challenge Upton in 6th Congressional District?
Former Michigan state Rep. Jack Hoogendyk is likely to announce next week that he will challenge Congressman Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph) in the GOP primary in
Jul 31, 2020
Michigan Rep. Hoogendyk preparing to challenge Upton in 6th Congressional District?
Michigan Rep. Hoogendyk preparing to challenge Upton in 6th Congressional District?
Former Michigan state Rep. Jack Hoogendyk is likely to announce next week that he will challenge Congressman Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph) in the GOP primary in
Former Michigan state Rep. Jack Hoogendyk is likely to announce next week that he will challenge Congressman Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph) in the GOP primary in
Jul 31, 2020
Nagris and Katrina
Jul 31, 2020
Nagris and Katrina
Nagris and Katrina
Jul 31, 2020
The Tea Party Patriots vs. Tea Party Express
I’ve been reporting for weeks about the tussle between Tea Party Patriots and the Tea Party Express, which got ugly when Tea Party Patriots organizer Amy Kremer
Jul 31, 2020
The Tea Party Patriots vs. Tea Party Express
The Tea Party Patriots vs. Tea Party Express
I’ve been reporting for weeks about the tussle between Tea Party Patriots and the Tea Party Express, which got ugly when Tea Party Patriots organizer Amy Kremer
I’ve been reporting for weeks about the tussle between Tea Party Patriots and the Tea Party Express, which got ugly when Tea Party Patriots organizer Amy Kremer
Jul 31, 2020
Gingrich bringing anti-‘secularism’ film to Minnesota
Potential presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and his wife will be in Minneapolis in May to present their film “Rediscovering God in America,” a Citizens United production. The event is hosted by the Minnesota Family Council, according to an event listing on the Newt Gingrich’s campaign website .
Jul 31, 2020
Gingrich bringing anti-‘secularism’ film to Minnesota
Gingrich bringing anti-‘secularism’ film to Minnesota
Potential presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and his wife will be in Minneapolis in May to present their film “Rediscovering God in America,” a Citizens United production. The event is hosted by the Minnesota Family Council, according to an event listing on the Newt Gingrich’s campaign website .
Potential presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and his wife will be in Minneapolis in May to present their film “Rediscovering God in America,” a Citizens United production. The event is hosted by the Minnesota Family Council, according to an event listing on the Newt Gingrich’s campaign website .
Jul 31, 2020
Judge Orders Release of Prisoner Accused of Assisting Terrorists at Age 11
Is it better to be a child stuck indefinitely at the Guantanamo Bay prison, or to stand trial by military commission? Neither option sounds very good. But
Jul 31, 2020
Judge Orders Release of Prisoner Accused of Assisting Terrorists at Age 11
Judge Orders Release of Prisoner Accused of Assisting Terrorists at Age 11
Is it better to be a child stuck indefinitely at the Guantanamo Bay prison, or to stand trial by military commission? Neither option sounds very good. But
Is it better to be a child stuck indefinitely at the Guantanamo Bay prison, or to stand trial by military commission? Neither option sounds very good. But
Jul 31, 2020
The Great Bush Leadership Casualties: U.S. Edition
For politicians in the U.S. and abroad, it once seemed like a good idea to hitch their political fates to George W. Bush’s wagon.
Jul 31, 2020
The Great Bush Leadership Casualties: U.S. Edition
The Great Bush Leadership Casualties: U.S. Edition
For politicians in the U.S. and abroad, it once seemed like a good idea to hitch their political fates to George W. Bush’s wagon.
For politicians in the U.S. and abroad, it once seemed like a good idea to hitch their political fates to George W. Bush’s wagon.
Jul 31, 2020
Shut the Door on Open Government Act
Jul 31, 2020
Shut the Door on Open Government Act
Shut the Door on Open Government Act
Jul 31, 2020
Powerful Steve Kappes Will Retire as CIA’s Deputy Director
In a surprise development, the CIA just announced that longtime and well-respected Deputy Director Steve Kappes will retire from the agency in May. Kappes was
Jul 31, 2020
Powerful Steve Kappes Will Retire as CIA’s Deputy Director
Powerful Steve Kappes Will Retire as CIA’s Deputy Director
In a surprise development, the CIA just announced that longtime and well-respected Deputy Director Steve Kappes will retire from the agency in May. Kappes was
In a surprise development, the CIA just announced that longtime and well-respected Deputy Director Steve Kappes will retire from the agency in May. Kappes was
Jul 31, 2020
Presidential Debate Preview « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Presidential Debate Preview « The Washington Independent
Presidential Debate Preview « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
China Threatens to Dump U.S. Treasury Bonds Over Taiwan Arms Sales
China threatens to dump U.S. Treasuries over arms sales to Taiwan. One day it will probably realize that always crying Wolf! means eventually people stop paying attention.
Jul 31, 2020
China Threatens to Dump U.S. Treasury Bonds Over Taiwan Arms Sales
China Threatens to Dump U.S. Treasury Bonds Over Taiwan Arms Sales
China threatens to dump U.S. Treasuries over arms sales to Taiwan. One day it will probably realize that always crying Wolf! means eventually people stop paying attention.
China threatens to dump U.S. Treasuries over arms sales to Taiwan. One day it will probably realize that always crying Wolf! means eventually people stop paying attention.
Jul 31, 2020
Temper the Obama-phoria
Not to contradict Spencer, but I have to note at least a couple of caveats to the high praise for President Obama’s sweeping first acts in office. First, as
Jul 31, 2020
Temper the Obama-phoria
Temper the Obama-phoria
Not to contradict Spencer, but I have to note at least a couple of caveats to the high praise for President Obama’s sweeping first acts in office. First, as
Not to contradict Spencer, but I have to note at least a couple of caveats to the high praise for President Obama’s sweeping first acts in office. First, as
Jul 31, 2020
Ted Kennedy Liveblogging « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Ted Kennedy Liveblogging « The Washington Independent
Ted Kennedy Liveblogging « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
White House Blasts Israel for New Settlement Construction
Jul 31, 2020
White House Blasts Israel for New Settlement Construction
White House Blasts Israel for New Settlement Construction
Jul 31, 2020
New Look for TWI
Today, TWI rolled out some design changes. We are trying to make the site clearer and cleaner. We know we are throwing a lot of information at you all at once,
Jul 31, 2020
New Look for TWI
New Look for TWI
Today, TWI rolled out some design changes. We are trying to make the site clearer and cleaner. We know we are throwing a lot of information at you all at once,
Today, TWI rolled out some design changes. We are trying to make the site clearer and cleaner. We know we are throwing a lot of information at you all at once,
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Repeals Ban on Global Abortion Funds
For eight years, the United States has observed a policy that few Americans outside the reproductive rights community probably knew about: International groups
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Repeals Ban on Global Abortion Funds
Obama Repeals Ban on Global Abortion Funds
For eight years, the United States has observed a policy that few Americans outside the reproductive rights community probably knew about: International groups
For eight years, the United States has observed a policy that few Americans outside the reproductive rights community probably knew about: International groups
Jul 31, 2020
A Pile-Up on Responsibility Road
The news that Gov. David Paterson (D-N.Y.) won’t seek a full term of his own in the wake of a new scandal reminds me of this TV ad that Paterson and
Jul 31, 2020
A Pile-Up on Responsibility Road
A Pile-Up on Responsibility Road
The news that Gov. David Paterson (D-N.Y.) won’t seek a full term of his own in the wake of a new scandal reminds me of this TV ad that Paterson and
The news that Gov. David Paterson (D-N.Y.) won’t seek a full term of his own in the wake of a new scandal reminds me of this TV ad that Paterson and
Jul 31, 2020
With a New Fiscal Year Beginning, States’ Budgets Are in Crisis
There are only four states -- North Dakota, Alaska, Arkansas and Montana -- that will not run a budget deficit in the next fiscal year, which for states, though
Jul 31, 2020
With a New Fiscal Year Beginning, States’ Budgets Are in Crisis
With a New Fiscal Year Beginning, States’ Budgets Are in Crisis
There are only four states -- North Dakota, Alaska, Arkansas and Montana -- that will not run a budget deficit in the next fiscal year, which for states, though
There are only four states -- North Dakota, Alaska, Arkansas and Montana -- that will not run a budget deficit in the next fiscal year, which for states, though
Jul 31, 2020
Gary Johnson campaign questions exclusion from Reagan Library debate
Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson isn’t one of eight GOP candidates confirmed for a Sept.
Jul 31, 2020
Gary Johnson campaign questions exclusion from Reagan Library debate
Gary Johnson campaign questions exclusion from Reagan Library debate
Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson isn’t one of eight GOP candidates confirmed for a Sept.
Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson isn’t one of eight GOP candidates confirmed for a Sept.
Jul 31, 2020
VIDEO: One Iraq Veteran’s Story
Jon Michael Turner’s story of serving as a Marine in Iraq was documented here by a team of video journalists on behalf of The Washington Independent. Turner
Jul 31, 2020
VIDEO: One Iraq Veteran’s Story
VIDEO: One Iraq Veteran’s Story
Jon Michael Turner’s story of serving as a Marine in Iraq was documented here by a team of video journalists on behalf of The Washington Independent. Turner
Jon Michael Turner’s story of serving as a Marine in Iraq was documented here by a team of video journalists on behalf of The Washington Independent. Turner
Jul 31, 2020
Gates: Afghans, Not Just U.S. Troops, Needed to Win War
Losing the people of Afghanistan will cost the United States the war, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said before a Senate panel Tuesday.
Jul 31, 2020
Gates: Afghans, Not Just U.S. Troops, Needed to Win War
Gates: Afghans, Not Just U.S. Troops, Needed to Win War
Losing the people of Afghanistan will cost the United States the war, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said before a Senate panel Tuesday.
Losing the people of Afghanistan will cost the United States the war, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said before a Senate panel Tuesday.
Jul 31, 2020
Republican ‘Birthers’ Outnumber Democratic ‘Truthers’
Public Policy Polling’s ongoing survey of American attitudes about presidential conspiracy theories continues with a fascinating look at the birther and
Jul 31, 2020
Republican ‘Birthers’ Outnumber Democratic ‘Truthers’
Republican ‘Birthers’ Outnumber Democratic ‘Truthers’
Public Policy Polling’s ongoing survey of American attitudes about presidential conspiracy theories continues with a fascinating look at the birther and
Public Policy Polling’s ongoing survey of American attitudes about presidential conspiracy theories continues with a fascinating look at the birther and
Jul 31, 2020
Combatting Homegrown Terrorism With Fusion Centers
Secretary Janet Napolitano and other officials from the Department of Homeland Security testified today on the growing threat of homegrown terrorists and
Jul 31, 2020
Combatting Homegrown Terrorism With Fusion Centers
Combatting Homegrown Terrorism With Fusion Centers
Secretary Janet Napolitano and other officials from the Department of Homeland Security testified today on the growing threat of homegrown terrorists and
Secretary Janet Napolitano and other officials from the Department of Homeland Security testified today on the growing threat of homegrown terrorists and
Jul 31, 2020