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ABC’s Karl highlights Weiner’s faux outrage before coming clean

ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl did a sit-down interview with embattled New York Congressman Anthony Weiner days ago, back when Weiner was still determinedly following the exact wrong script on how to weather a political scandal, lying up and down about how photos of his crotch ended up on the internet, denying the undeniable and preening with faux outrage at Karl and other members of the press for asking questions.
Jul 31, 2020

ABC’s Karl highlights Weiner’s faux outrage before coming clean

ABC’s Karl highlights Weiner’s faux outrage before coming clean

ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl did a sit-down interview with embattled New York Congressman Anthony Weiner days ago, back when Weiner was still determinedly following the exact wrong script on how to weather a political scandal, lying up and down about how photos of his crotch ended up on the internet, denying the undeniable and preening with faux outrage at Karl and other members of the press for asking questions.
ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl did a sit-down interview with embattled New York Congressman Anthony Weiner days ago, back when Weiner was still determinedly following the exact wrong script on how to weather a political scandal, lying up and down about how photos of his crotch ended up on the internet, denying the undeniable and preening with faux outrage at Karl and other members of the press for asking questions.
Jul 31, 2020

Palin’s Inconvenient Stevens Relationship

Palin’s Inconvenient Stevens Relationship

ANCHORAGE -- Gov. Sarah Palin is known as a reform candidate around here who bucks the party’s old guard. But according to some great reporting at The Trail, it
ANCHORAGE -- Gov. Sarah Palin is known as a reform candidate around here who bucks the party’s old guard. But according to some great reporting at The Trail, it
Jul 31, 2020