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Page 392 of 930
AFL-CIO Fights Back Against Toomey in Pennsylvania
After facing a barrage of attacks aired by outside right-wing groups, Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) is getting a bit of help in his Senate race in the form of a
Jul 31, 2020
AFL-CIO Fights Back Against Toomey in Pennsylvania
AFL-CIO Fights Back Against Toomey in Pennsylvania
After facing a barrage of attacks aired by outside right-wing groups, Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) is getting a bit of help in his Senate race in the form of a
After facing a barrage of attacks aired by outside right-wing groups, Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) is getting a bit of help in his Senate race in the form of a
Jul 31, 2020
Putin to the Rescue
He’s faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a Soviet-era Kalashnikov, he’s the Russian Prime Minister.
Jul 31, 2020
Putin to the Rescue
Putin to the Rescue
He’s faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a Soviet-era Kalashnikov, he’s the Russian Prime Minister.
He’s faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a Soviet-era Kalashnikov, he’s the Russian Prime Minister.
Jul 31, 2020
To the Extreme!
Stephen Gordon whacks me for not understanding the fuss over the Department of Homeland Security report: To help Dave find what’s wrong with the report,
Jul 31, 2020
To the Extreme!
To the Extreme!
Stephen Gordon whacks me for not understanding the fuss over the Department of Homeland Security report: To help Dave find what’s wrong with the report,
Stephen Gordon whacks me for not understanding the fuss over the Department of Homeland Security report: To help Dave find what’s wrong with the report,
Jul 31, 2020
Ana Marie Cox’s Video Update from Ohio
TWI correspondent Ana Marie Cox, on the McCain campaign trail, reports via video from Columbus, Ohio. Here it is, after the jump:
Jul 31, 2020
Ana Marie Cox’s Video Update from Ohio
Ana Marie Cox’s Video Update from Ohio
TWI correspondent Ana Marie Cox, on the McCain campaign trail, reports via video from Columbus, Ohio. Here it is, after the jump:
TWI correspondent Ana Marie Cox, on the McCain campaign trail, reports via video from Columbus, Ohio. Here it is, after the jump:
Jul 31, 2020
NRCC Raises $7 Million From Hannity Dinner
That’s the total for the committee’s closed-door event with the Fox News host tonight.
Jul 31, 2020
NRCC Raises $7 Million From Hannity Dinner
NRCC Raises $7 Million From Hannity Dinner
That’s the total for the committee’s closed-door event with the Fox News host tonight.
That’s the total for the committee’s closed-door event with the Fox News host tonight.
Jul 31, 2020
Good Timing
Jul 31, 2020
Good Timing
Good Timing
Jul 31, 2020
Democrats Set to Fill Kennedy’s Senate Seat, Sooner or Later
This Suffolk University poll brings a little reality back to the question of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy’s (D-Mass.) open Senate seat. Three main findings: 1)
Jul 31, 2020
Democrats Set to Fill Kennedy’s Senate Seat, Sooner or Later
Democrats Set to Fill Kennedy’s Senate Seat, Sooner or Later
This Suffolk University poll brings a little reality back to the question of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy’s (D-Mass.) open Senate seat. Three main findings: 1)
This Suffolk University poll brings a little reality back to the question of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy’s (D-Mass.) open Senate seat. Three main findings: 1)
Jul 31, 2020
Amid Negative Polls, Obama Sent More Manpower to Gulf, Hindering Response
Responding to polls that suggested the American people believed the federal government was not adequately responding to the oil spill, President Obama announced
Jul 31, 2020
Amid Negative Polls, Obama Sent More Manpower to Gulf, Hindering Response
Amid Negative Polls, Obama Sent More Manpower to Gulf, Hindering Response
Responding to polls that suggested the American people believed the federal government was not adequately responding to the oil spill, President Obama announced
Responding to polls that suggested the American people believed the federal government was not adequately responding to the oil spill, President Obama announced
Jul 31, 2020
Minn. county GOP fundraiser auctions legislators to highest bidders
The Carver County GOP took heat this week over a fundraiser that featured an auction that guaranteed face-time with legislators for the highest bidder. According to an email sent to lobbyists, the auction included a chance to go shooting with U.S.
Jul 31, 2020
Minn. county GOP fundraiser auctions legislators to highest bidders
Minn. county GOP fundraiser auctions legislators to highest bidders
The Carver County GOP took heat this week over a fundraiser that featured an auction that guaranteed face-time with legislators for the highest bidder. According to an email sent to lobbyists, the auction included a chance to go shooting with U.S.
The Carver County GOP took heat this week over a fundraiser that featured an auction that guaranteed face-time with legislators for the highest bidder. According to an email sent to lobbyists, the auction included a chance to go shooting with U.S.
Jul 31, 2020
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction
Warren Buffet calls credit derivatives financial weapons of mass destruction. When his company, Berkshire-Hathaway, Inc., took over an insurance company
Jul 31, 2020
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction
Warren Buffet calls credit derivatives financial weapons of mass destruction. When his company, Berkshire-Hathaway, Inc., took over an insurance company
Warren Buffet calls credit derivatives financial weapons of mass destruction. When his company, Berkshire-Hathaway, Inc., took over an insurance company
Jul 31, 2020
Gingrich Adviser Broadcasts Advice to GOP Candidates
Campaigning in most races has been going on for months or even years, but Republican strategist Joe Gaylord, a top adviser to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich
Jul 31, 2020
Gingrich Adviser Broadcasts Advice to GOP Candidates
Gingrich Adviser Broadcasts Advice to GOP Candidates
Campaigning in most races has been going on for months or even years, but Republican strategist Joe Gaylord, a top adviser to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich
Campaigning in most races has been going on for months or even years, but Republican strategist Joe Gaylord, a top adviser to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich
Jul 31, 2020
Another Case for Public Health Plans « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Another Case for Public Health Plans « The Washington Independent
Another Case for Public Health Plans « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
UPDATED: Sessions Will Vote to Block David Hamilton
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, just said on the Senate floor that he will vote against cloture on the
Jul 31, 2020
UPDATED: Sessions Will Vote to Block David Hamilton
UPDATED: Sessions Will Vote to Block David Hamilton
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, just said on the Senate floor that he will vote against cloture on the
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, just said on the Senate floor that he will vote against cloture on the
Jul 31, 2020
Sen. Mark Udall: ‘Death of bin Laden a major milestone’
Colorado Sen. Mark Udall, who serves on key Senate intelligence and armed forces committees, issued the following statement on Sunday night’s announcement by President Barack Obama that U.S. special forces killed 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden: Sen.
Jul 31, 2020
Sen. Mark Udall: ‘Death of bin Laden a major milestone’
Sen. Mark Udall: ‘Death of bin Laden a major milestone’
Colorado Sen. Mark Udall, who serves on key Senate intelligence and armed forces committees, issued the following statement on Sunday night’s announcement by President Barack Obama that U.S. special forces killed 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden: Sen.
Colorado Sen. Mark Udall, who serves on key Senate intelligence and armed forces committees, issued the following statement on Sunday night’s announcement by President Barack Obama that U.S. special forces killed 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden: Sen.
Jul 31, 2020
Mayor Bloomberg trust donated big to Louisiana education board elections
A fund called The Michael R. Bloomberg Revocable Trust, of which the principal trustee is New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, donated $100,000 to a Baton
Jul 31, 2020
Mayor Bloomberg trust donated big to Louisiana education board elections
Mayor Bloomberg trust donated big to Louisiana education board elections
A fund called The Michael R. Bloomberg Revocable Trust, of which the principal trustee is New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, donated $100,000 to a Baton
A fund called The Michael R. Bloomberg Revocable Trust, of which the principal trustee is New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, donated $100,000 to a Baton
Jul 31, 2020
Rallying for Rules
Jul 31, 2020
Rallying for Rules
Rallying for Rules
Jul 31, 2020
Palin’s Post-Election Plans
Jul 31, 2020
Palin’s Post-Election Plans
Palin’s Post-Election Plans
Jul 31, 2020
Democrats Split on Patriot Act
Republicans and Democrats have been sniping about the USA Patriot Act ever since Congress passed the law in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks to try to forestall another such disaster.
Jul 31, 2020
Democrats Split on Patriot Act
Democrats Split on Patriot Act
Republicans and Democrats have been sniping about the USA Patriot Act ever since Congress passed the law in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks to try to forestall another such disaster.
Republicans and Democrats have been sniping about the USA Patriot Act ever since Congress passed the law in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks to try to forestall another such disaster.
Jul 31, 2020
Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Unlikely to Get Death Penalty
Crimes that occur on military bases are usually heard in the military justice system. But while that may sound harsher than a civilian court, the sentences
Jul 31, 2020
Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Unlikely to Get Death Penalty
Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Unlikely to Get Death Penalty
Crimes that occur on military bases are usually heard in the military justice system. But while that may sound harsher than a civilian court, the sentences
Crimes that occur on military bases are usually heard in the military justice system. But while that may sound harsher than a civilian court, the sentences
Jul 31, 2020
New at TWI: Mortgage Crisis Worsens
Economics reporter Mary Kane reports today on how the $700 billion bailout plan won’t actually help out homeowners facing foreclosure. And, thanks to our
Jul 31, 2020
New at TWI: Mortgage Crisis Worsens
New at TWI: Mortgage Crisis Worsens
Economics reporter Mary Kane reports today on how the $700 billion bailout plan won’t actually help out homeowners facing foreclosure. And, thanks to our
Economics reporter Mary Kane reports today on how the $700 billion bailout plan won’t actually help out homeowners facing foreclosure. And, thanks to our
Jul 31, 2020
Gun Debate Lingers Behind Sotomayor Confirmation
As the Senate begins deliberation today on the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, the outcome of the vote is pretty clear. As the Los Angeles
Jul 31, 2020
Gun Debate Lingers Behind Sotomayor Confirmation
Gun Debate Lingers Behind Sotomayor Confirmation
As the Senate begins deliberation today on the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, the outcome of the vote is pretty clear. As the Los Angeles
As the Senate begins deliberation today on the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, the outcome of the vote is pretty clear. As the Los Angeles
Jul 31, 2020
White House Boosts Meek for Florida Seat, Greene Berates His Employees
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is hosting a fundraiser today for Florida Rep. Kendrick Meek’s (D) Senate bid. No one has come right out and said it,
Jul 31, 2020
White House Boosts Meek for Florida Seat, Greene Berates His Employees
White House Boosts Meek for Florida Seat, Greene Berates His Employees
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is hosting a fundraiser today for Florida Rep. Kendrick Meek’s (D) Senate bid. No one has come right out and said it,
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is hosting a fundraiser today for Florida Rep. Kendrick Meek’s (D) Senate bid. No one has come right out and said it,
Jul 31, 2020
Unemployment Rate Remains at 9.5 Percent in July
In line with economists’ expectations, the unemployment rate remained at 9.5 percent in July, the Labor Department announced this morning. Overall employment
Jul 31, 2020
Unemployment Rate Remains at 9.5 Percent in July
Unemployment Rate Remains at 9.5 Percent in July
In line with economists’ expectations, the unemployment rate remained at 9.5 percent in July, the Labor Department announced this morning. Overall employment
In line with economists’ expectations, the unemployment rate remained at 9.5 percent in July, the Labor Department announced this morning. Overall employment
Jul 31, 2020
First Casualties of the Gulf Spill?
Sea turtles are washing up dead along the Gulf Coast, leading scientists to suspect that the oil spill could be to blame. Brian Skoloff of The Associated Press
Jul 31, 2020
First Casualties of the Gulf Spill?
First Casualties of the Gulf Spill?
Sea turtles are washing up dead along the Gulf Coast, leading scientists to suspect that the oil spill could be to blame. Brian Skoloff of The Associated Press
Sea turtles are washing up dead along the Gulf Coast, leading scientists to suspect that the oil spill could be to blame. Brian Skoloff of The Associated Press
Jul 31, 2020