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Page 196 of 930
Clinton Donors Press for Veep Slot
Jill Iscol was giddy. She was scrunched up in a chair in an office of the apartment she and her husband -- the telecom giant Ken Iscol -- own on the Upper
Jul 31, 2020
Clinton Donors Press for Veep Slot
Clinton Donors Press for Veep Slot
Jill Iscol was giddy. She was scrunched up in a chair in an office of the apartment she and her husband -- the telecom giant Ken Iscol -- own on the Upper
Jill Iscol was giddy. She was scrunched up in a chair in an office of the apartment she and her husband -- the telecom giant Ken Iscol -- own on the Upper
Jul 31, 2020
People “In The Middle” Back Obama
I’m a little tired of The Undecideds, The Swing Voters and all those People In The Middle -- but they do decide elections after the rest of us have made our
Jul 31, 2020
People “In The Middle” Back Obama
People “In The Middle” Back Obama
I’m a little tired of The Undecideds, The Swing Voters and all those People In The Middle -- but they do decide elections after the rest of us have made our
I’m a little tired of The Undecideds, The Swing Voters and all those People In The Middle -- but they do decide elections after the rest of us have made our
Jul 31, 2020
Kerry Opens Vigorous Debate on Afghanistan
An eclectic group of experts assessed the nuances of counterinsurgency and troop increases at a panel on Wednesday.
Jul 31, 2020
Kerry Opens Vigorous Debate on Afghanistan
Kerry Opens Vigorous Debate on Afghanistan
An eclectic group of experts assessed the nuances of counterinsurgency and troop increases at a panel on Wednesday.
An eclectic group of experts assessed the nuances of counterinsurgency and troop increases at a panel on Wednesday.
Jul 31, 2020
Intelligence Chief Reveals Obscure Budget Figure
To add some clarity and context to Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair’s disclosure this morning that the U.S. intelligence budget is $75 billion,
Jul 31, 2020
Intelligence Chief Reveals Obscure Budget Figure
Intelligence Chief Reveals Obscure Budget Figure
To add some clarity and context to Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair’s disclosure this morning that the U.S. intelligence budget is $75 billion,
To add some clarity and context to Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair’s disclosure this morning that the U.S. intelligence budget is $75 billion,
Jul 31, 2020
White House to Unveil ‘Grand Strategy’ on National Security
The administration will have to reconcile its new goals with the escalated war and unilateral right to assassinate terrorists around the world that it has also pursued.
Jul 31, 2020
White House to Unveil ‘Grand Strategy’ on National Security
White House to Unveil ‘Grand Strategy’ on National Security
The administration will have to reconcile its new goals with the escalated war and unilateral right to assassinate terrorists around the world that it has also pursued.
The administration will have to reconcile its new goals with the escalated war and unilateral right to assassinate terrorists around the world that it has also pursued.
Jul 31, 2020
The Waiting Room
Here’s a quick wrap-up of today’s health care news. Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) today presented his long-awaited proposal to
Jul 31, 2020
The Waiting Room
The Waiting Room
Here’s a quick wrap-up of today’s health care news. Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) today presented his long-awaited proposal to
Here’s a quick wrap-up of today’s health care news. Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) today presented his long-awaited proposal to
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Highlights Kagan’s ‘Independence’ During SCOTUS Nomination
President Obama this morning called for a speedy nomination process for Elena Kagan during his speech announcing the Solicitor General as his choice to succeed
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Highlights Kagan’s ‘Independence’ During SCOTUS Nomination
Obama Highlights Kagan’s ‘Independence’ During SCOTUS Nomination
President Obama this morning called for a speedy nomination process for Elena Kagan during his speech announcing the Solicitor General as his choice to succeed
President Obama this morning called for a speedy nomination process for Elena Kagan during his speech announcing the Solicitor General as his choice to succeed
Jul 31, 2020
Instapundit, Again
Glenn Reynolds responds: SORRY, STILL NOT SEEING THE ANEURYSM CONNECTION. Weigel’s snark notwithstanding, it was a weak point. Eh, I’ll grant this. As
Jul 31, 2020
Instapundit, Again
Instapundit, Again
Glenn Reynolds responds: SORRY, STILL NOT SEEING THE ANEURYSM CONNECTION. Weigel’s snark notwithstanding, it was a weak point. Eh, I’ll grant this. As
Glenn Reynolds responds: SORRY, STILL NOT SEEING THE ANEURYSM CONNECTION. Weigel’s snark notwithstanding, it was a weak point. Eh, I’ll grant this. As
Jul 31, 2020
McCain and the Press Corps
EAU CLAIRE, Wis. -- Marc Ambinder today posted on something reporters on the McCain plane have been talking about for the last few days. As we previously noted,
Jul 31, 2020
McCain and the Press Corps
McCain and the Press Corps
EAU CLAIRE, Wis. -- Marc Ambinder today posted on something reporters on the McCain plane have been talking about for the last few days. As we previously noted,
EAU CLAIRE, Wis. -- Marc Ambinder today posted on something reporters on the McCain plane have been talking about for the last few days. As we previously noted,
Jul 31, 2020
Palin Goes After CPAC, Sticks With SRLC
Via Ben Smith, it seems meaningful that Sarah Palin’s camp explained her decision not to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference with two
Jul 31, 2020
Palin Goes After CPAC, Sticks With SRLC
Palin Goes After CPAC, Sticks With SRLC
Via Ben Smith, it seems meaningful that Sarah Palin’s camp explained her decision not to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference with two
Via Ben Smith, it seems meaningful that Sarah Palin’s camp explained her decision not to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference with two
Jul 31, 2020
New Stimulus Plan Posed to Define Year’s Congressional Debate
For weeks, Republican lawmakers have been pushing for an increase in offshore oil drilling, hoping to use towering fuel costs and Democrats’ historic
Jul 31, 2020
New Stimulus Plan Posed to Define Year’s Congressional Debate
New Stimulus Plan Posed to Define Year’s Congressional Debate
For weeks, Republican lawmakers have been pushing for an increase in offshore oil drilling, hoping to use towering fuel costs and Democrats’ historic
For weeks, Republican lawmakers have been pushing for an increase in offshore oil drilling, hoping to use towering fuel costs and Democrats’ historic
Jul 31, 2020
Panetta Has Finished His Paperwork For CIA
One quick thing that isn’t Bob Gates-related. Yesterday, congressional Democratic sources said that they didn’t consider it an act of bad faith that CIA
Jul 31, 2020
Panetta Has Finished His Paperwork For CIA
Panetta Has Finished His Paperwork For CIA
One quick thing that isn’t Bob Gates-related. Yesterday, congressional Democratic sources said that they didn’t consider it an act of bad faith that CIA
One quick thing that isn’t Bob Gates-related. Yesterday, congressional Democratic sources said that they didn’t consider it an act of bad faith that CIA
Jul 31, 2020
Palin goes to Colorado to honor troops with Christian military crusader
The Centennial Institute conservative think tank at Colorado Christian University is hosting a “ Tribute to the Troops ” Monday, where the featured speakers will be Sarah Palin and General William “Jerry” Boykin.
Jul 31, 2020
Palin goes to Colorado to honor troops with Christian military crusader
Palin goes to Colorado to honor troops with Christian military crusader
The Centennial Institute conservative think tank at Colorado Christian University is hosting a “ Tribute to the Troops ” Monday, where the featured speakers will be Sarah Palin and General William “Jerry” Boykin.
The Centennial Institute conservative think tank at Colorado Christian University is hosting a “ Tribute to the Troops ” Monday, where the featured speakers will be Sarah Palin and General William “Jerry” Boykin.
Jul 31, 2020
Know Your Birthers
When is it fair to accuse a member of Congress of being a birther? I’m wrestling with this a little today. Jason Linkins calls Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La.) a
Jul 31, 2020
Know Your Birthers
Know Your Birthers
When is it fair to accuse a member of Congress of being a birther? I’m wrestling with this a little today. Jason Linkins calls Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La.) a
When is it fair to accuse a member of Congress of being a birther? I’m wrestling with this a little today. Jason Linkins calls Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La.) a
Jul 31, 2020
Best of The Streak: What Do You Mean He’s Out of Touch With Working-Class Americans?
Jul 31, 2020
Best of The Streak: What Do You Mean He’s Out of Touch With Working-Class Americans?
Best of The Streak: What Do You Mean He’s Out of Touch With Working-Class Americans?
Jul 31, 2020
Former UAW organizer will be new Michigan AFL-CIO president
For the first time in 12 years, there is a new leader at the helm of Michigan’s AFL-CIO union as outgoing President Mark Gaffney is replaced by Karla Swift.
Jul 31, 2020
Former UAW organizer will be new Michigan AFL-CIO president
Former UAW organizer will be new Michigan AFL-CIO president
For the first time in 12 years, there is a new leader at the helm of Michigan’s AFL-CIO union as outgoing President Mark Gaffney is replaced by Karla Swift.
For the first time in 12 years, there is a new leader at the helm of Michigan’s AFL-CIO union as outgoing President Mark Gaffney is replaced by Karla Swift.
Jul 31, 2020
Some conservatives hesitant to publicly praise Alabama immigration law
Many Republicans, including the governor of Alabama, are hesitating to publicly praise Alabama’s controversial immigration law, most of which remains in effect
Jul 31, 2020
Some conservatives hesitant to publicly praise Alabama immigration law
Some conservatives hesitant to publicly praise Alabama immigration law
Many Republicans, including the governor of Alabama, are hesitating to publicly praise Alabama’s controversial immigration law, most of which remains in effect
Many Republicans, including the governor of Alabama, are hesitating to publicly praise Alabama’s controversial immigration law, most of which remains in effect
Jul 31, 2020
‘Reclusive’ evangelical organizer David Lane bemoans the rise of secular judges, media
David Lane, the influential California-based activist the New York Times has called “a stealth weapon for the right,” typically avoids the mainstream media
Jul 31, 2020
‘Reclusive’ evangelical organizer David Lane bemoans the rise of secular judges, media
‘Reclusive’ evangelical organizer David Lane bemoans the rise of secular judges, media
David Lane, the influential California-based activist the New York Times has called “a stealth weapon for the right,” typically avoids the mainstream media
David Lane, the influential California-based activist the New York Times has called “a stealth weapon for the right,” typically avoids the mainstream media
Jul 31, 2020
Poll: Democrats Recover Some of Their Health Care Polling Lead Over the GOP
Republicans (see here) are pushing a CNN poll that has opposition to health care reform legislation running to 59 percent. Two things I noticed, however, that
Jul 31, 2020
Poll: Democrats Recover Some of Their Health Care Polling Lead Over the GOP
Poll: Democrats Recover Some of Their Health Care Polling Lead Over the GOP
Republicans (see here) are pushing a CNN poll that has opposition to health care reform legislation running to 59 percent. Two things I noticed, however, that
Republicans (see here) are pushing a CNN poll that has opposition to health care reform legislation running to 59 percent. Two things I noticed, however, that
Jul 31, 2020
Grassley Rejects Baucus Jobs Bill
A few weeks ago, Sens. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the leaders of the Senate Finance Committee, came together in rare bipartisan fashion
Jul 31, 2020
Grassley Rejects Baucus Jobs Bill
Grassley Rejects Baucus Jobs Bill
A few weeks ago, Sens. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the leaders of the Senate Finance Committee, came together in rare bipartisan fashion
A few weeks ago, Sens. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the leaders of the Senate Finance Committee, came together in rare bipartisan fashion
Jul 31, 2020
Threatening Karzai’s Brother, Planning a Kandahar Operation in the Dark
The Washington Post has a great story that looks at the opening phases of the forthcoming U.S.-NATO-Afghan push to take the regions surrounding Kandahar city
Jul 31, 2020
Threatening Karzai’s Brother, Planning a Kandahar Operation in the Dark
Threatening Karzai’s Brother, Planning a Kandahar Operation in the Dark
The Washington Post has a great story that looks at the opening phases of the forthcoming U.S.-NATO-Afghan push to take the regions surrounding Kandahar city
The Washington Post has a great story that looks at the opening phases of the forthcoming U.S.-NATO-Afghan push to take the regions surrounding Kandahar city
Jul 31, 2020
Oh, and Van Jones Is a TERRORIST, Too « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Oh, and Van Jones Is a TERRORIST, Too « The Washington Independent
Oh, and Van Jones Is a TERRORIST, Too « The Washington Independent
Jul 31, 2020
Cassandra in North Dakota
In November of 1999, when the Senate voted overwhelmingly to approve legislation deregulating the finance industry, The New York Times described part of the
Jul 31, 2020
Cassandra in North Dakota
Cassandra in North Dakota
In November of 1999, when the Senate voted overwhelmingly to approve legislation deregulating the finance industry, The New York Times described part of the
In November of 1999, when the Senate voted overwhelmingly to approve legislation deregulating the finance industry, The New York Times described part of the
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Uploads New Energy (VIDEO)
Sen. Barack Obama is focused on large swing-state rallies in the campaign’s homestretch, but he just carved out precious time to address a more dispersed
Jul 31, 2020
Obama Uploads New Energy (VIDEO)
Obama Uploads New Energy (VIDEO)
Sen. Barack Obama is focused on large swing-state rallies in the campaign’s homestretch, but he just carved out precious time to address a more dispersed
Sen. Barack Obama is focused on large swing-state rallies in the campaign’s homestretch, but he just carved out precious time to address a more dispersed
Jul 31, 2020